Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Miss my Friends?

I havent seen them since skool let out which has been almost 4 wks ago. i have seen one friend and it was only at the fricken store for like 5 mins. Im so sad and depressed i miss them so much. My mom wont let me see any of my friends i cant even leave the house during the wk unless im wit her or my dad. But my twin brother sees his friends almost everyday while im stuck inside wit our little brother. Then next yr in skool i was planning on being wit them but no my mom changed my whole schedule so im not wit my friends anymore in class. So now i cant do cheer or pep squad wit them. Its not fair she took away the only things that make me happy in life. i want my friends back i love them. how can i get over being sad and convince my mom to let me have my friends back.

I Miss my Friends?custom myspace

Emawee, that is EXTREMELY disturbing that she has you under hourse arrest. Can you instant message or text with them or something? at least e-mail?

Or maybe see them on weekends when you are with your daddy? Good luck Emawee!

I Miss my Friends?myspace ip

what did you do to make her such an over-controlling *****?

i mean im not trying to be mean but...dude it's the summer!!!! hanging out with friends on weekdays is allowed. and why did she change ur doesnt make sense.

what made her like this...u must have done something...
1 word CALL! There probably on vacation. My birthdays in the summer and no one comes because there on vacation. My ex-friends used to live next to me. We would do everything together. Sadly ouyr friendship lasted for a YEAR. Then she moved. When she came back to my school she has other friends (they were sluts, trash) The last thing I remember is wee all met on the bleechers and she said. "We've already made new friends, it's time to move on." Then she would never talk to me again. I still wonder if it's something I've done. Oh those dark years...scary...
Well I don't know how old you are but you should have some degree of freedom at whatever age you are. Have you tried sitting your mom down and talking to her?? Not that you should do it but I would rebel. You said you got into some trouble before school ended right...that should not mean you can't be on the prep squad that type of stuff is good for students. One way or another I would see my friends but hey you decide...
have you talked to your mom? have your mom sit down and talk to you, your friends, or their moms. if the only reason is that she thinks theyre dangerous or something than you need to talk to her in an adult way and not be too pushy. tell her (nicely) that shes taking away an important part of your life.
well you got in trouble.. face the consequences.


deal with it!

make new friends
whine to Bernie. he will get to the point where you piss him off enough that he wont want you in the house so he will let you go to a friends house so your their problem for a few hours. i don't think mom would be mad at him for that. and next time Stuart has a friend over but you cant get up in moms face asking why he can but you cant. your a smart girl you'll think of something
have a talk w/ ur mom. introduce her to ur friends mom. invite them to ur house.
I understand you EmaweeE and it is EXTREMELY sad! i love my friends too and when i can′t see them i feel sad, so at least you should try to talk to them once a week, talk to your mom about it, maybe she will understand you...

I hope you can talk to your friends soon!!!! and see them

Good Luck EmaweeE!

Thank you and good day.

Taurus and Gemini as friends? or Scorpio and Taurus as friends which is better?

I have these 2 friends both are Gemini, I like them both in a different way but sometimes I feel they are too critical or whatever but the strange thing is I do not really feel hurt. If the same things come from my Scorpio friends I will feel so sad and I would cry my eyes probably but when the Gemini friends say so I just like I do not care, I even find it funny they criticize me and I do not believe that is true actually. I believe maybe that is due the fact that I really treasure the opinion of my Scorpio friends but well sometimes they are harsh with me, but even then they would not go to far as my Gemini friends with their words.

Why almost the same things said from different zodiac signs have different influence on me, what makes the difference, my attitude or the way the things are said?

Taurus and Gemini as friends? or Scorpio and Taurus as friends which is better?emo myspace

I think Taurus and Scorpio are better as friends. Maybe you just value the opinion of scorps more. I am pretty sure they value yours too. Al thought we are opposites, one thing is certain, we learn allot from each other. Geminis are mutable, they blend in with any crowd. scorps and Taurus are fixed yet very different. We both have our own points of view and are too stubborn to understand each other (although Taurus is allot more stubborn). Maybe Scorpio is just being blunt and might hurt you without knowing. I am pretty sure they are hurt once they realise they hurt someone that is a good friend. I know because my dad is Taurus and I might be a little harsh sometimes with people (not him) and he cannot understand that and gets hurt. I feel when he is hurt although I don't say it and it hurts me so bad I just feel like crying sometimes. We pay consequences for being too honest. Just know that when Scorpios friend smiles and tells you something kind, they mean it more than anyone.

Taurus and Gemini as friends? or Scorpio and Taurus as friends which is better?sexy myspace

it is not their signs so much as your sensitivity to how it is presented. Scorpios can be blunt (like we Arians, must be the Mars influence). Geminis can tell you to go to hell and you can't wait to get there!

You may want to look into the moon signs of you and your friends. A good compatibility chart can help. you can get these for free online.

Good luck and go easy on yourself:)
probably cause scorpios like me are the opposite sign of you?

opposites dont get along and are veryy different..

well as i said im a scorpio and tauruses are too sensitive and nice but i like them. maybe cuz ur too sensitive..

dont be, i was once too and i quit being that nice. so take it easy just dont care. scorpios can be ******sometimes. along with geminis lol. geminis are too flithy and realistic and scorpios can be mean and nice depeding on there mood.

wish u good luck:)

stand up for urself.

Why did her friends do so?

There's this girl I like but we're just friends (more than a year ago I told her how I felt, but she has changed now.

There's this another boy who likes her and her friends are recently planning a surprise thing for her on her birthday party soon. Her friends asked that guy to do that surprise. And I saw that girl's sister involved in that thing too. Her friends kept persuading him to come to the party and I saw her friends telling him what to do. She doesn't know about this idea and I don't know how they can come up with this.

Today I saw her talking to him. In the morning, he was asking her to return his DVD and after school, he wanted to return but he was inside his class and she was a bit reluctant to approach him. She doesn't make attempts to see him.

She doesn't tease and joke with him like she does to me. Our convos increase though. We get closer and she often does funny things to me. We went together for school stuff and she teases me a lot. We interact a lot. We laugh together and discuss many things, talk a lot. She begins a lot of conversations and a lot of smiles, jokes. She seems to be interested in what I say and do. And she often does a lot of cute funny stuff to me.

But I don't think now that there's this guy to do a surprise for her, any of them matter. Why did her friends do this? They used to tease her about me but decrease recently.

Why did her friends do so?flash myspace

Too long, did not read.

Why did her friends do so?

There's this girl I like but we're just friends (more than a year ago I told her how I felt, but she has changed now.

There's this another boy who likes her and her friends are recently planning a surprise thing for her on her birthday party soon. Her friends asked that guy to do that surprise. And I saw that girl's sister involved in that thing too. Her friends kept persuading him to come to the party and I saw her friends telling him what to do. She doesn't know about this idea and I don't know how they can come up with this.

Today I saw her talking to him. In the morning, he was asking her to return his DVD and after school, he wanted to return but he was inside his class and she was a bit reluctant to approach him. She doesn't make attempts to see him.

She doesn't tease and joke with him like she does to me. Our convos increase though. We get closer and she often does funny things to me. We went together for school stuff and she teases me a lot. We interact a lot. We laugh together and discuss many things, talk a lot. She begins a lot of conversations and a lot of smiles, jokes. She seems to be interested in what I say and do. And she often does a lot of cute funny stuff to me.

But I don't think now that there's this guy to do a surprise for her, any of them matter. Why did her friends do this? They used to tease her about me but decrease recently.

Why did her friends do so?flash myspace

Too long, did not read.

First of friends to marry and have kids?

My husband and I are the first of our friends to get married and soon to have kids. I'm 23 weeks pregnant. It has been really hard adjusting to being pregnant when all of our friends are still single without kids.

We aren't that young (24 and 25), but none of our friends even seem remotely close to getting married/ having kids. Its hard to find ways to spend time with them when all they want to do is drink/party/and try to hook up with other singles. I just wish they were at the same stage in life as us because they are good friends.

What are ways to keep in touch and spend time with our single/mingling friends now that we are about to be parents?

First of friends to marry and have kids?www myspaces

You have to make sure and include them and yourselves in all aspects of life. Make sure they not only spend time with you as a family but also that you (individually and as a couple) spend time with them. Make sure your husband and yourself get out and stop into that party, have a few drinks or just hang out after the baby goes to bed. On the other end try to include them in your family events, occasional outings and family meals. While we weren't the first in our group to marry and have children the majority of are friends are still single. Our friends seem to enjoy being involved in their lives but it needs to be in the appropriate situation. We invite people for dinner every week when we can, to outings to local parks, zoo, etc. You'll see them as much as you do probably since being single allows them to have the time to spend with you. If they we're married w/ children as well you wouldn't see them as much as you'd think, because with children timing/scheduling is important (to some parents more than others) in their day and no ones timing is ever the same. Just make them feel welcome and loved, they'll form an attachment of their own to your child/family that will make them return.

First of friends to marry and have kids?myspace pictures

Have them over for brunch, or to watch football. Meet for dinner after work occasionally. And it might be time to meet some married couples who are in the same life stage as you and understand.
The best way is to invite your friends at home for party and tell them you need them ,as they are your friends and according to you are good ones so they would understand try telling them your real feelings. All the best
This is a tough situation because most of the time friends who are at different levels in their lives tend to grow distant. The same seems to happen when everyone is already married and one couple gets a divorce. All you can do is have someone else look after the baby once in awhile and you go out with your friends. You can still go to a party and not drink. Or try shopping, a new hobby or sport, or getting together for suppers or for coffee. A baby doesn't have to drag you down all the time, but it certainly will limit your free time.
Honey those folks will soon fade once you two get settled in to parent hood. You will see them from time to time but soon you will see whats really important and when their time comes you will see even less of them. Its just the way it is.
This is a really hard thing to deal with... my husband and I have had to deal with this too. We are 27 and 28... Most of our friends are in committed relationships and a few are married, but none of them have kids (at least our really close friends who we like to hang out with). We have two kids and one on the way, and to be completely honest, we have just had to accept that we have chosen to have a different life than they have, and we just can't do the things that they all like to do anymore. We try and go out as much as we can, and sometimes just one of us will go (usually my husband cause he still really likes going out and having a few drinks) cause one of us has to stay with the kids and it's hard to find a sitter. It's just the reality of the situation.... you will get used to it. It comes with the territory of being married and having a family. You guys have other priorities now... one thing that we have done in the past is just have people over to our house for drinks, games, food, movies, etc. That way we don't have to worry about a sitter, money, etc. Plus, hopefully, in time, you will meet some other married couples with kids and find new, fun things to do with your family. You will adjust... I promise.

Why does my friend have all the guy friends?

ok well im sick of this! my best friend has all of these guy friends and im stuck with the girlfriends and the arguements. it really sucks! shes not girly girl but skater and tom girl and sometimes shes just normal. well me im a cheerleader but im not girly girl. i keep on thinking its beacuse i think im fat but my friends say im not and i know there not telling me the truth. i think its because guys dont want to be friends with a girl who thinks shes fat.. i never get real boyfriends and she does.. im so jelious of her its not funny. but she hates her life.. i want guy friends but it jsut isnt working. i mean im shy and shes not and she gets out a little more than i do and she has alot of curage and im medium.. is that why? plz help!!!

Why does my friend have all the guy friends?wrestlers myspace

Why not hang with her and her male friends...Who knows they may get along with you great...I prefer guy friends, females have way to much drama for me...

Why does my friend have all the guy friends?love girls myspace

Take a deep breath and loosen up a little. Guys don't care if you're fat or not, but they *can* smell desperation from miles away... so you need to take it easy.

I think you have partially answered your own question-- being less shy, talking to other people, and going out more all help. You don't even have to start by going up and talking to the hottest guys... just start conversations with people who are absolutely no threat... total strangers, older people, next door neighbors, guys you don't care about one way or the other, and finally, guys you'd like to have as boyfriends. The ones who might become "real boyfriends" are people like anyone else, and talking to people is a life skill everyone has to develop.

As a last strategy, make a conscious decision to spend less time hanging out with the girlfriends, and people who are into drama and needless arguments, and *instead*, go where the guys are. It will happen for you.

Good Luck!

I dont want friends ....?

I have been constantly deceived over the years by girlfriends, either back stabbing or just plain old deception. I've realised that ever since Ive gotten married and had a kid I dont need friends.

I have a couple of friends that keep emailing me and wanting to see me but I just dont feel like it...

Alot of my friends were part of the life before I got married and I dont want any memories that relate to my past.. besides my family.. cause I dont have a choice.

I want to move out real far away with my hubby and daughter to another province and leave this place because I want to start a new life.

My husband told me that would be nice to make new friends at the new place and go out as couples. But I dont want that.. I just want to be with him and my daughter..

I dont need friends, friends deceived me in the past and I dont need that anymore..

I think more people you know in your life more problems you have...

Am I normal to want to be anti-social ?

I dont want friends ....?hack myspace

You're perfectly normal. Friendships are something we have to steep ourselves in for the time when a family is to be built. It all serves a purpose. If you feel your family is all the company you want, let me congratulate you on having successfully developed into exactly who you should be once you have a family.

I've done exactly the same thing.

My wife and I live on the other side of the earth now, and guess what, we don't miss anyone.

OK, we do have new friends and acquaintances, but it isn't the same intense and intimate accountability type relationship you'd have had with childhood friends. These here are just... contact people.

I dont want friends ....?fake myspace

Well, you're characterizing your past friends in which your personality changed over the years, making them less relatable. Possibly new friends would be of interset. HOwever, family is a powerful institution that gets introduced to ones life. Its not surprisng one loses lots of friends after marriage.
You're also falling into the "victim" mentality. This is incredibly dangerous and will be harmful to your daughter. If you walk around thinking that everybody is eventually going to stab you in the back, and that people owe you something, you're going to end up unable to function, to get things done, to understand humans, to interact in society. You're not a victim. People do stupid things and you need to learn to live with it, to keep on going anyway.
So then don't have friends. It's going to get pretty lonely. Sometimes you need an outlet away from family. There's nothing wrong with spending time with yourself and family but isolating yourself will cause you problems down the road. Everyone has bad experiences it doesn't mean you give up altogether. Maybe what you need is counseling - seriously this might help.
I think you have had a bad experience with 'friends'. I guess there are many types of friends, but the ones whom you treasure most do not have to be near your home. So it is tough, having friends nearby whom you don't necessarily want to be in contact with..hmmm.. I guess it is not normal to be anti-social, but if you can survive not having people over at your child's parties etc, then I guess you would be fine.
i think you need to let the past go. not every person you meet will be just like your former friends. i've had the same thing happen to me, but i didn't let it hold me back from making new friends.

you have a daughter, sign up for some play dates for her. that way you and your daughter can meet new people with similar interests.
It sounds like a cry for help. Although I feel your insularity preference is actually building a brick wall around yourself and your immediate family.

However you have engaged in communication through Q%26amp;A to a degree, this initself is your way of extending yourself into the community.
Well the world is full of deception and some couldnt blame on the way you think. Sometimes all you need is a family, it's true that you would lose friends if you have a family. Your family would always be there when you need them, some friends wouldn't..
I agree. I don't make new friends and don't really keep up with the current ones. I've been burned too many times by too many people to try anymore. However, I do believe that does make me anti-social, but I don't care. I'm staying that way and I am quite happy about it. Hope this helps!!
at least U had friends nobody ever evn talks to me,not even gay men
if you have a loving family, then you definitely do not need to have anything to do with your old "friends". You should definitely consider yourself lucky if your husband and child(ren) are caring and supportive. Being someone who hasn't had the best of times with "friends" either, I definitely hope that some day I have a loving spouse and children to fill my time with.

"Friends" are fickle and many who act "friendly" do not really know you at all. Usually, they will either get behind you or "dump" you based on what suits their own goals. The same happened to me. Having just entered high school some years back, with a good academic record from middle school, I first ran into a bunch of teachers who, for reasons best known to themselves, made this guy their pet. This did not go down well with many in the class, who then started to back me and praise my every move (I never asked for it myself; I was just "promoted" to demean that guy). I felt so good and popular that I did not know how to repay the "kindness". I had heard of people having high-school "blues" and I thought "blues, what blues?" I soon figured out. I am not sure whether this was because of plain old fashioned jealousy or because I, always being of a detached nature, did not grant some friends "favours" they hoped for but did not deserve, but my period of bliss soon came to an end.

Returning to school after winter vacation, I found a number of people had turned hostile against me. At first, I dismissed it as a few people playing a prank, however, the teasing and name-calling was not pleasant at all. I thought if I left it alone, the problem would just go away. Instead, all of a sudden the vast majority of my classmates got in on the act and called me names without caring whether the names applied to me at all (the name-calling had nothing to do with my personality). Its not like I had not tried to be friendly with most of them; regardless of past friendship, I fell out with almost everyone. it was the most miserable few months of my life, however, the problem did go away to some extent after a year or so. The reasons I could not complain about the whole thing are complex and something best left to myself.

However, I still bear the mental scars of knowing that seemingly friendly people can turn against you overnight, not giving a care to how you feel. Once a few jealous people start a game of name-calling, everyone joins in. One person's misled opinion becomes everyone's opinion of you. Nobody cares to evaluate whether you deserve what they are doing to you.

Nowadays, I am even more detached from most people as I generally treat any new person suspiciously, in a "guilty until proven innocent" way, so that I don't have to go through such experiences anymore. And even though I tried to put this in my past, I believe I have never quite recovered my self-esteem from the battering my ego took in this whole episode.

So, I would say, now that you have a life and family of your own, forget any "friends" who have not passed the "guilty until proven innocent test" and you shall not have to suffer any more.
If others have betrayed you, it is normal to want to protect yourself from being hurt again. If you put your hand in a fire, the resulting burn hurts. Why would you stick your hand in a fire again?

Nevertheless, if you are careful, and use it correctly, a fire can warm you, cook your food, and keep wild animals away at night.

Don't stay in touch with people who have been mean to you, but don't let them hurt you again by keeping you from one of the best things in life... good friends.

Believe me, as dear as husbands are, there are a lot of their wives intellectual and emotional needs that they can't address 'cause they will never understand what they are! Men and women experience life differently. They don't always agree on what is hilarious, what is scary, what is important to talk about, what is hard to deal with, etc. Women help each other survive life because they share female perspectives on many of these things. They find comfort and pleasure in learning about them -- together. Laughing, talking, and crying with women you like and have known for many years is a gift every heart needs.

Jettison those from your past that you do not want to maintain a relationship with but don't write off all women because of them. Investigate a few options. Join a play group with members that are the same age as your daughter and live near you. (Search online; in our area -- San Diego County -- contact The Parent Connection.) She will love it and YOU will meet women that you have something in common with at this point in your new life. If your mom (or mom-in-law) is around to babysit during the day, take a craft class or a college class or maybe join an exercise group. Chances are that there will be women who are moving into new areas of life, just like you are, that need and are wisely looking for friends.

There is another reason for you to develop a group of "sisters." Depending on your husband and child to fulfill all of your needs is not fair. It is too big a burden to place on their shoulders. Each of us must be responsible for keeping ourselves content, productive, and growing. A lot of that has to be done away from home. They will be away from home doing these things and you need to have other sources to help you do the same.

You know, if you had a buddy or two today... you wouldn't have needed to query strangers about having friends. Looking for validation of your feelings in the big, cold, world of cyberspace is better than nothing but it is NOT better than a friend!

Please do not let past bad experiences turn you into a cold, judgmental, defensive. sour old woman at such a young age. Do not retreat from the world but expand into it. Your daughter and husband do not need you to shrink but to BLOOM! Spread your wings and soar. Gather intelligent, interesting, entertaining people into your lives. Enrich your relationships to each other by knowing and learning from others. Be a caring and happy role model for your daughter. Have something interesting to share with your husband at the end of the day. Make them laugh.


p.s. ~ Is there a possibility that you are suffering from clinical depression? Altho' it is very hard to detect it in yourself perhaps you could see your doctor or a physiologist at a clinic in your town? Your letter is too sad for a girl in your position. Please, make sure you do not have a chemical imbalance that is influencing you -- be tested for depression. There are a lot of great medical people, therapies, medications, and exercises available to combat the condition.

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?

My friend "Johnny" and I got into a fight. He accused me of liking him, then his friend "Mark" who I am also friends with. But I had been talking a lot more to Mark online from about 10pm-2am. I have no interest in Mark. Then after I told Johnny I didn't like Mark over and OVER again, he told me I didn't like "Karl" the guy I do like. When I assured him I did like Karl, Johnny said he didn't believe it, and left the IM convo saying that I indeed like him, Johnny. Basically Johnny said I liked him, one of his best friends who I started becoming good friends with, said I didn't like the guy I like, then left off saying that I like him. Later he said sorry, and I forgave him. But got really weird when I asked why he did it. Something about how curiosity killed the cat. I dunno know, it was weird. Anyways, we're friends again, but everything is sort of awkward. So, tell me what you think. Any idea why he did it. He was one of my best friends, and I really want to fix this. Help?

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?celebrities myspace

He likes you and he was trying to get you to say that you like him. He was trying to be slick but, his plan backfired. He now feels awkward because he has feelings for you and you do not feel the same way. This is why your friendship feels different.

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?small myspace
You have bigger issues than this. You just don't realize it. Think bigger. Oh screw it,.... does anyone acctually like you?
You all sound like a bunch of elementary school kids.
You call them friends? you need to get your priority's straightened out. With friends like that you have no need for enemy's.
It's because may be he had some feelings about you and he wanted to convince himself that he was our 'one' or you were open to find guys other than 'Karl' but when he found out that you were not, he must have realized what a humbug he was being, but because of the 'secret heartbreak' phase that he went through, he is being weird and a little formal until he gets used to the idea that you don't like him in that way or that you are not open to people other than Karl. It's okay. It can happen even with the best friends. Give everything a break and you will all be normal after sometime.
He wanted to find out if you liked him. Sounds like your little group plays too many games. Stick with Karl if that's who you like. And let the others play game with someone else.
Umm... I think you should just talk this whole "event" over with "Johnny" and then ask him why he did this. ??? IDK. Lol...

Merry Christmas
Hi CC, WOW, I think you said it all. You know what you want to do. SO do it. Merry Christmas,and enjoy your family.

gheez you sure lead a complicated life.

My best friends got engaged now their boring is that normal?

I have been friends with my best friend sinse before I can remember, literally our whole lives. Then he started dating a girl that we have both known pretty much all our lives but not very well just kind of knew her in passing. They were off and on for a couple years but then got serious about their relationship and recently got engaged. In the months prior to their engagment we were all having a good time being friends, hanging out, and just normal friend stuff. I have even come to think of her in the same way I think of him, which is a level no one else has ever reached with me. No matter how close other friends have ever gotten it hasn't been the same as my friendship with him. So to think of her in that way is a big deal to me. Then they got engaged and everything seems to have changed. Like they've settled in to a holding patern while waiting to get married. (will continue)

My best friends got engaged now their boring is that normal?wwe myspace

Yes, this is normal. But the good news is, for every friend you lose you gain another. Maybe your future wife:)

My best friends got engaged now their boring is that normal?search myspace myspace.comYour welcome. This is a tough crowd. Report It

Think they're boring now? Just wait 'til they get married!
They are starting their new lives together as a couple. You might not be as involved with them, but that's the way it's suppose to be. Yeah you guys will still be friends, but their life together is about them being together. You just have to understand that they want to be together and you have to give them the space to do that.
Well its not that he is boring now but he just has other things to take care of and if he is going to or got married already then he has more responsiblities to take cake of.
1. Don't be selfish.

2. What did you expect was going to happen? He's got a chica in his life. Things done changed.

3. Try talking to your friend. If he is such a good friend, he'll appreciate the honesty.
Yes, that is marriage.
To me this seems very normal. When two people are into each other they are really into each other! They may need their time and space. And if you are the friend you say you are then give it to them and support them all the way. Be patient and before you know it things will be back to normal.
Actually, when my best friend and her husband got married, they became pretty boring as well. I remember one incident when my boyfriend and I were at a restaurant with some friends and I invited her to join us. Her husband is in the military and was out of the state for six weeks for it so I knew she'd be lonely. She actually caught an attitude with me over the phone saying it was a work night and that I was crazy for being out so late. It was 8:00!! Before she was married she would've come out and stayed out until morning! I'm not too sure if every couple is like this after marriage, but all I can say is that I'm glad I have other friends besides them, if you know what I mean. Good luck.
What you are describing is a natural transition from childhood to adulthood. Our focus shifts from friends to building a family.

YES - even if the start of that family is years away. That family starts with the TWO of them. Three is a crowd.

When you reach that stage with someone, you will understand what I am talking about.
Everyone is different. My guy and I are engaged and decidedly non-boring! :-)
Well, THEY probably don't think they are boring - they are totally wrapped up in one another, and their situation has changed.

However, yours hasn't, and as a friend you just need to accept that there are changes, and you need to adapt.

Your time will come, too, if that's what you decide some day...

Guy, or friends?

There's this guy, my 2 best friends also like him. We all went to the same birthday party saturday, he ended up liking me..and none of my friends. ( although it kind of seemed like he liked my one friend. ) He ended up walking me home, and hung out at my house for a bit...and gave me a goodnight kiss. :)

My friends of course found out

about the kiss and they gave me this

lecture about how they disaprove of it and

all. They eventually got over it.. but it dosen't

seem the same now, am I loosing my friends? HELP!

Guy, or friends?custom myspace

im having a feeling they were..........jealous?

cuz u said ur friends liked him too. or maybe they were just "depressed" in a way. cuz like,. they're ur friends.. so they care bout u.. they were probably saying, "omg.. how cud u do this? u hardly know him! we just met him at the party and u already kissed him? omg!" lol =P

hopefully ur not losing ur friends.. they'll get over it in a day or two, give them some time =)

gud luck.. and i hope u get both! :)

Guy, or friends?myspace ip myspace.comu've got some understanding friends! =) Report It

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?

My friend "Johnny" and I got into a fight. He accused me of liking him, then his friend "Mark" who I am also friends with. But I had been talking a lot more to Mark online from about 10pm-2am. I have no interest in Mark. Then after I told Johnny I didn't like Mark over and OVER again, he told me I didn't like "Karl" the guy I do like. When I assured him I did like Karl, Johnny said he didn't believe it, and left the IM convo saying that I indeed like him, Johnny. Basically Johnny said I liked him, one of his best friends who I started becoming good friends with, said I didn't like the guy I like, then left off saying that I like him. Later he said sorry, and I forgave him. But got really weird when I asked why he did it. Something about how curiosity killed the cat. I dunno know, it was weird. Anyways, we're friends again, but everything is sort of awkward. So, tell me what you think. Any idea why he did it. He was one of my best friends, and I really want to fix this. Help?

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?celebrities myspace

He likes you and he was trying to get you to say that you like him. He was trying to be slick but, his plan backfired. He now feels awkward because he has feelings for you and you do not feel the same way. This is why your friendship feels different.

This belongs in the friends section, but I'm going to try here...?small myspace
You have bigger issues than this. You just don't realize it. Think bigger. Oh screw it,.... does anyone acctually like you?
You all sound like a bunch of elementary school kids.
You call them friends? you need to get your priority's straightened out. With friends like that you have no need for enemy's.
It's because may be he had some feelings about you and he wanted to convince himself that he was our 'one' or you were open to find guys other than 'Karl' but when he found out that you were not, he must have realized what a humbug he was being, but because of the 'secret heartbreak' phase that he went through, he is being weird and a little formal until he gets used to the idea that you don't like him in that way or that you are not open to people other than Karl. It's okay. It can happen even with the best friends. Give everything a break and you will all be normal after sometime.
He wanted to find out if you liked him. Sounds like your little group plays too many games. Stick with Karl if that's who you like. And let the others play game with someone else.
Umm... I think you should just talk this whole "event" over with "Johnny" and then ask him why he did this. ??? IDK. Lol...

Merry Christmas
Hi CC, WOW, I think you said it all. You know what you want to do. SO do it. Merry Christmas,and enjoy your family.

gheez you sure lead a complicated life.

My best friends friend is always talking about me behind my back also right in front of me?

i have a friend named sara and her friend (my ex friend brook) is CONSTANTLY talking crap about me. every day at lunch she is telling sara things like im not there. like today at lunch she says that she hates me and she wishes that i get punched. and i just dont understand why sara still wants to be friends iwth her? what should i say to sara when brook is hurting my feelings?

My best friends friend is always talking about me behind my back also right in front of me?myspace quotes

Brook has some resentment in your failed friendship. How do you know she is talking about you? If Sara is telling you all the bad things that Brook says than this is how you test her friendship to you. You tell her that please do not tell me anything else she says about me. It is okay that you are her are friends but me and you have other things to talk about end of subject. Do not say anything bad about Brook to Sara at all. If she is still running back to you and telling you things than she is a messy B*$%% and you need to stop fooling with her too. A true friend respects that you do not associate with another person and does not mention that persons name when you are in their present. Same thing with the other person.

My best friends friend is always talking about me behind my back also right in front of me?layouts for music myspace

You need to ask yourself: Does the pain outweigh the pleasure?
maybe sara is stupid or secretly agrees withher. perhaps you need to examine your relationship with sara.
tell her she's hurting ur feelings because if she doesn't respect u, u shouldn't be around or hanging out with her
if she's talking about you that way behind your back or in font of you, then i dont think she's deserving to be your friend...
Tell Sara that if she wants to be friends with the both of you then she needs to respect your friendship and tell Brook not to talk smack about you, because you are both her friend and Brook is putting her in a confrontational predicament by trying to play sides. If Sara has been joining in on the jabbing, then tell her you are not friends with anyone who can talk smack about you. If she can't stay neutral and not take sides, then she needs to pick a friend and let the other go. If she can't make the right decision, let her go.
typical friend I see things haven't chanced since I was in high school how typical...ignore her...that's all you can do and sorry you had to run into a bad friend : (
WELL to me it seams like this is not a true friend. If sara was your friend she wouldnt let this go on. For instane I have a friend who dosnt like another friend of mine. She started to say something bad about her in front of me I told her that if she dont like her dont dish her around me and we will still be cool but if she contuined this that we cant hang out any more . she respected my wish
Well that is hard but been there done that. I had 3 friends that didn't get along with each other but if it was just me and friend A, or me and friend B, or me and friend C one on one things were fine but we all could not hang out together. I told all three of my friends that I was friends with them all and they respected that and didn't do any bad talking about them to me or about me. I would say that this friend you have Sara isn't really your friend. Other wise she wouldn't tolorate someone else talking about you to her. As for Brook I'd just ask her what exactly it is that she has an issue with (between you and her) and tell her you find it very childish that she feels she needs to talk about you behind your back and you would like it that she didn't do it anymore and that if she has a problem with are the one she needs to talk to. Good Luck!!
if she is your friend, shouldn't she stand up for you? and why is brook your ex friend? i would talk to both of them, and tell the brook girl to say what she wants to say about you to your face, don't let her keep walking on you like that. if your "friend" isn't going to stand up for you, you should stand up for yourself, and also find some friends who are willing to do the same.

Guy, or friends?

There's this guy, my 2 best friends also like him. We all went to the same birthday party saturday, he ended up liking me..and none of my friends. ( although it kind of seemed like he liked my one friend. ) He ended up walking me home, and hung out at my house for a bit...and gave me a goodnight kiss. :)

My friends of course found out

about the kiss and they gave me this

lecture about how they disaprove of it and

all. They eventually got over it.. but it dosen't

seem the same now, am I loosing my friends? HELP!

Guy, or friends?custom myspace

im having a feeling they were..........jealous?

cuz u said ur friends liked him too. or maybe they were just "depressed" in a way. cuz like,. they're ur friends.. so they care bout u.. they were probably saying, "omg.. how cud u do this? u hardly know him! we just met him at the party and u already kissed him? omg!" lol =P

hopefully ur not losing ur friends.. they'll get over it in a day or two, give them some time =)

gud luck.. and i hope u get both! :)

Guy, or friends?myspace ip myspace.comu've got some understanding friends! =) Report It

2 of my friends aren't talking..?

PART1 - Zach and Bailey are good friends and talk every day. Zach asked Bailey out. Bailey said no. [about 6 months later..] Bailey doesn't talk to Zach anymore. At lunch, Bailey is talking to Daniel. When Zach walks up, Bailey becomes silent. Bailey talks to me when my best friend, Zach, gets up to do something. This is awkward, because Zach is my best friend and Bailey is just about my best friend that's a girl...

PART2 - My name's Daniel. My best friend, Zach, has another friend, same name, Daniel. When I'm at lunch with Zach, Bailey, Daniel, and others, Zach doesn't really talk to me and talks to Daniel. Basically; it's pretty awkward.

P.S. - Zach told me he asked Bailey out. Bailey doesn't know I know Zach asked her out.

I made that as simple as possible..

2 of my friends aren't talking..?scroll boxes for myspace

You have two choices;

1) Stay out of it because its between them and its up to them to solve it.

2) Try to act as mediator but if you do this and screw it up, YOU will be on Everyone's "sh-it list"!

I've known people in the same boat. The textbook answer is to stay out of it because both of your friends will want you to "side" with one of them. No matter who you back up (or speak for) the other will view you as a traitor.

This situation will always suck for you because you like both people and miss that "group thing" you had going. Hopefully they will work it out for themselves.

If you say Anything reaffirm to Both of them that you are their friend.

Friends who cheat with their Best friends men are ugly? True or false?

Usually the ugly friend is the one who cheats with the best friends man. She is insecure and knows she is ugly and will throw herself at the pretty friends bf in private to prove to herself that she can take him. In private because shes a coward. The guy will go along with it because he is a man with a c*ck. duh.

Little does she know that she is doing the pretty one a favor because any man that will destroy a relationship over an ugly woman is beneath the pretty ones standards.

Ladies Am I right?

Friends who cheat with their Best friends men are ugly? True or false?myspace quiz

If not ugly outside then for certain on the inside, or both.

Friends who cheat with their Best friends men are ugly? True or false?kids myspace

I dont think its necessarily a matter of ugliness. Just a matter of sluttiness.
Rite on SISTA!
Sometimes this is correct, but I have known hot women to do that too. Unfortunately women are insecure for different reasons, not just because they feel ugly.
Well,Both cuz if you broke up with them it is OK but if you didn't

then yeah they are ugly inside and truly they are not a good friend!!!!
You are totally right!!! If They guy will go with her then they aren't good either! They are both ugly!!!!!!!!!

Should I stop being friends with my friend?

this is da prob

A person who i considered a very good friend betrayed me. This person is friends with a person that hates me. so they decided to prank phone calll me it was the dumbest thing ever. I knew the person who I considered a very good friend was in on this. I told the person who h8s me 2 plz put thta person on the phone. The person i h8 lied 2 me said my frend wasn't there.5 sec later my friend called me on from a cell phone. My frend told me she was walkin her dog she was going 2 her house 2 call me from her phone but she couldn't cuz she said her mom was on the phone and the line was busy.while she was talkin 2 me i called the person who I h8 house. I heard ringing in da background when she was talkin 2 me when I hung up the other phone the ringin stopped. I told her she didnt have 2 call me. So i called her house her younga sibling picked up the phone I found out my friend had lied to me the whole time.When she called me she told me it was a joke.she blames me 4 all of it.

Should I stop being friends with my friend?search myspace

She's not really your friend if she's doing this to you.

Should I stop being friends with my friend?good myspace

She's trying to blame you because she's guilty. Cut all ties with her. She's not worth having as a "friend".
hell no

Help-Personal question/friends social issue....???

Ok. This is kind of long and complicated, but any advice anyone could give me would be much appreciated. I'm going (or suppossed to be going) on my senior class trip to Disney tomorrow. The problem is, I really don't feel excited about going at all. The people that Im rooming with are 2 girls who I don't really like. I've been nothing but a good friend to them, but they have always kind of taken advantage of me and never seem to really consider me a best friend, but just someone who is there. These 2 girls have caused so much drama since I have been friends with them--they are basically ostricized from our entire class. Trying to be a good friend to them, I have gone along with all of their drama, and if they have stopped talking to someone, I would stop talking to them too. I feel like these girls are my only friends, yet they don't really like me at all. Idk what to do about this trip. I feel like they don't really care abt me at all %26amp; aren't good friends. Should I go to Disney?

Help-Personal question/friends social issue....???sexy myspace

Well I guess you should tell them how you feel. But you shouldn't be mean to someone because of what they're doing. If you don't want to go to disneyland you don't have to but if I were you I'd go! It's tons of fun and you'll enjoy it.

Help-Personal question/friends social issue....???deleted myspace

u should definitely go to Disney.. dont let 2 girls spoil all ur fun. high school is all drama. i mean they r just probably using u, but 4 all u noe they dont even noe a single thing about u. they try to get u 2 hang around them bcuz they think they have power and r lk the drama queens. but dont hang around them if they're not actually treating u as a friend. dats just stupid. ur just lk a third wheel... and dont be in their possy if u think its gunna make u popular... ppl hate them... maybe u should 2 instead of trying to be a part of them.... c ur way out
yes, go to disney. you don't have to hang out with them the entire time. and don't do things like stop talking to people just b/c they do. trust me on this. i am 28 and have found alot of fellow classmates on myspace recently. alot of people have sent me messages thanking me for being a overall nice person. i am very proud for not being a follower., but trust me , i was at a time. be true to yourself. it may not be easy, especially in high-school, but you will be able to hold your head high when all is said and done. Have a great time in Disney. Don't get caught up in any drama, be safe, and Rock on!!!
1. I think you should go on this trip. Hiding from your problems is never the answer and not going may be something you'll end up regretting.

2. Be Yourself. Don't act like these girls. The fact that they treat people this way and you've continued trying to be their friend says a lot about the kind of person you are. Stand up for yourself and what you believe. Be friends with who ever you want. Show these girls that you are not a pushover and you are your own person.

3. Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated. Just because I've told you to stand up for yourself doesn't mean be rude. Continue being nice to these girls and take this opportunity to make some new friends.

Good luck.
ok, i kno exactly how u feel. but i think u should go. its ur senior year. make the most of it. if they give u greif about it stand your ground. be strong. ppl think that they only have the friends that they hang out with but that not true. u wont believe how many friends you have that you dont hang out with. just be urself, have fun, and enjoy. i hope you decide to go.

Help Making Friends.?

I'm 14 and a freshman in high school. I have only 1 friend at my school and my other friend had to move because of her dad's job. She lives in a different state so I only see her like once a year. I really want to make more friends so I decided to join this thing at my church called branches. Yes, it is a teen church group but the only do church things once a week and I read in our church bulletin everytime we go to church and they do things like ski outings and fun things like that. I really want to do it. I want to make more friends. So when I go I don't want to shy like I usually do and just be like really friendly and outgoing. What are some tips to help make friends when I go.

Help Making Friends.?funny myspace

Just go up to people and be like 'hi what do we do here?' and just be smiley and happy, be positive, people want to be near you!!!

Smile and try to talk to lots of different people, wear bright colours, try to look at people, don't fold your arms

can you remember all that lol???


Oh and if you feel nervous either go with your friend or think hmm i never have to go again so if i'm too perky and look stupid i never have to go again - but go for a few weeks, it takes a while to get settled!

Help Making Friends.?icons for myspace

Just find people with the same intrestes as you. Don't start off trying to become best friends with the popular people. It's not cool and you won't be friends for the right reasons. Just find people that you think will be fun to be around.
you can do things that you normally wouldn't


join loads of activities

basically make yourself known, and it helps when you participate

Friends sexy mom sex?

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Friends, Can you be as a true friend as well?

Friends, I want so many friends to my email....

Can u friends add me?

Friends, Can you be as a true friend as well?celeb myspace

my pleasure.

Friends, Can you be as a true friend as well?myspace quiz

Whats your Email
Why would you want people whom you don't know to be your friend? Why don't you go find a church group?
Sure... Count me in...Stay happy! (",)

Drifting from my friends?

Today i went to the all with my two best friends and one of my new friends. The second we got there my two best friends sleft me and my newer friend. i feel bad. the new girl isnt friends with them and they dont really like her. but this isnt the first time this has happeed (probably happened like 10 times before this) i feel like im drifting away from my friends. what should i do?

Drifting from my friends?backgrounds for myspace

It happens and it's normal we all go in different directions you are just starting to see how they really are and you don't like what you see.

Drifting from my friends?myspace games

just let your good friends goo. things happen for a reason. maybe its about time you make more new friends. trust me you never keep all your good friends. trust me. they say forever but its not. maybe you should try and work things out with them.

Friends who sabotage, how do you deal with them?

So a "friend" of mine always tries to turns his friends against eachother. He studies politics and often uses techniques here and there he learns to talk trash about me when I confront him about his lies. So I used to live with him, but don't anymore. But I still work with him. Everytime I talk to somebody, he'll go to talk to them immediatly after, he's lied about me, tries to diss me (sometimes subtle, and sometime not so subtle) all the time. People who used to be really friendly with me, all of a sudden avoid me and act strange. This has happened to me in the past with two other friends. How do I deal with this kind of thing? I don't want my reputation among friends or coworkers ruined over this guys lies.

Friends who sabotage, how do you deal with them?scroll boxes for myspace

I feel your pain. Cutting him off will only bring on more manipulation.

Friends who sabotage, how do you deal with them?default myspace

Cut him off. Hi, Bye, How are you... thats it.
get rid of them.

find positive people that contribute positive things to your life
After reading your situation carefully and evaluating all the possible ways for you to diplomatically handle this situation, I've come to the one solution that will solve your problem:

Punch him out.

DON'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM! Expose him for what he is.
Question #1 Why would you want this person as a friend.

Question #2 Why would you want anyone who is willing to believe him as a friend?

I would consider that he is doing me a service by weeding out my falsefriends for me.

Be carefull who you call friend, you just may have to depend on them someday.
I would advise you to cut all ties with him, where possible- and if you hear of him saying anything else against you that is untrue and damaging, ask to speak to your superior(s) at work about the slander.

You would not be the only one who would be able to see through him, and I believe once you have brought him to the attention of your boss(es) at work, he will be watched more carefully. Nobody likes a troublemaker. Perhaps one of your friends who has been lied to about you would go to make the complaint with you, back you up.

He'll come unstuck eventually.They all do.They are never as clever as they like to believe and will eventually outsmart themselves.
First of all, this person is not and never will be ...your friend...

It sounds as if he is in competition with you over popularity in his mind...............turn the cards, if you have been through this before, don't walk away, don't get angry, just be yourself with confidence and smile a lot !!...(the people he is talking to about you are not all stupid.,..they can pick him for what he is up to) time it happens just wander up to them and say...Oh my gosh, is he at is again, he is so full of himself isnt he?......then continue on with your work as you normally do..if they can see you can just brush it off, they will too !!...stay cool and good luck..
talk to the boss , talk to the coworkers and expose him, or go find another job
First, I know it's hard not to, but don't stoop to his level. Stay true to yourself. If your friends can't see past his lies and obsession to turn people against one another, they're not your friends and they're not very smart. These kinds of people are who I call followers. You sound to me to NOT be part of a herd of sheep. He is an insecure person who, by turning friends against one another, feels more important and powerful by doing so. The "followers" are just stupid tag alongs. The next time he starts to put you down in front of others, subtle or not so subtle, I would just say to him "you know, it must really feel horrible to be so insecure." And leave it at that...nothing more. I have had experience with these types of people. They just don't know what else to do to feel good. At the end of the day, deep inside, they're very aware of loser they actually are.

To save your reputation, just stay away from these people as much as you can. Ever heard of the expression "out of sight, out of mind"? Well, the more you stay away from these people and the more you show that you don't care, the less you will become the topic of conversation. The topic of conversation will then switch to another "follower" until he/she decides that it's enough. This will keep happening until this a** has no more friends and no more respect.

Good luck!
look i may seemed to be two-faced person, but really this is how i usually deal with those s-holes, first just try to be nice with him(coz u may need him for some time, as he/she is ur friend) and after u really don't get any **** to do with him/her and have found one new good friends or more, and this is where ur show starts, attack them back, make them feel how u felt.

If this doesn't work for you, i have another one. Just when he's talking to the person u have just talked to, try to reveal the truth but in sarcastic yet convincing, u noe what i'm saying, he'll just like " oh damn"

Really those kind of shole mfker should have just vanish from this world
Tell him that you need to talk to him after work. Ask him to go out for a cup of coffee with you and talk to him about the situation. Tell him that this is hurting your work relationships and you need the job. Ask him why he is doing this especially since you had considered him a friend and had still wanted to continue the friendship(this is your lie) but it is hard to continue a friendship when he is treating you this way. See what he says and go from there.
The guy obviously has some serious issues with you meaning, he is jealous and resents you for some reason and here's an FYI: The guy is NOT a friend in any sense of the word. If you insist on remaining in such a toxic atmosphere I would strongly suggest taking him aside, telling him you are aware of his backstabbing and if he persists in his malicious gossip he gives you no choice but to go to HR and file a complaint against. him. You have a legal right to work without abuse or harassment and you can get him into very serious trouble if he refuses. Start documenting everything he does, dates times and what he says to people if you can find out what it is. Be professional, calm, firm and unwavering and he will either back off or get fired if the keeps up his verbal abuse and harassment. If the company does not follow through you can hire an attorney because workplace harassment is illegal.
It's one thing to talk about your friends behind their backs, lots of people do this, out of curiousity or concern. You yourself are talking about him behind his back by

posting this question.

But telling lies is another matter. I was going to write that he's not really your friend if he treats you this way. But you want to smooth things over? Hmmm. He sounds like he is either immature and enjoys the attention he gets by treating you this way, or he is insecure and putting you down makes him feel better about himself...or he's not really your friend. You already tried to talk to him and he denies everything. Not sure what else you can do. If he keeps this up, eventually, others will begin to see through him as the lying gossip that he is.

Concerning your other friends and co-workers: as lies come up, you can dispell them, or you can ignore them. Unfortunately, the more you protest, the more people will judge you. Just be yourself and your true friends will see what's what.
If you two are co-workers, I would consider speaking to his immediate supervisor. If all else fails, it might be time to make a move to another department.

To try and play his game isn't the best solution, it will probably backfire as he's been doing it longer, and if it doesn't people will probably see you as being someone just like him. Something you don't want.
He's no "friend" of yours.

This sort of behavior is a perfect example of harassment. Not all harassment is sexually based. ANY behavior which created an "uncomfortable" or "bad" work environment is harassment.

Doesn't your company have ANY policy with regards to harassment? It SHOULD. If not, it will find out very quickly that it should have.

Write up a WRITTEN report about this person and his behavior. BE SPECIFIC about the incidents and their effects on you and your other co-workers. Tell the management this is not good for business. Tell management that if something is not done to END this behavior, then (and use these words:) "I will be left with NO alternative than to seek legal advice as to what my next step should be."

BTW... a company CANNOT FIRE you NOR HARASS YOU for reporting harassment!!! If they do... find your nearest friendly neighborhood attorney... they will be SALIVATING at the door, waiting for you with DOLLAR SIGNS in their eyes!!!!

I might suggest you make a LOG of any/all incidents which have already happened, and maintain that log carefully and precisely... dates/times/exactly what was said/done... etc. If you have a pocket-sized TAPE RECORDER... then USE IT to RECORD this person's behavior. IT IS LEGAL to secretly tape in this situation, and it is the BEST EVIDENCE you can present to management, lawyers, and the courts.

Oh, and don't confront the jerk. He obviously hasn't learned anything in the past and he won't now. The harrassment laws also do NOT require YOU to confront your harrasser!!! But you MUST begin the process of reporting him to management, ASAP. Always be respectful and polite to the management and the company, THEY are not at fault for this, and they may not be aware this is happening, either.

GOOD LUCK! You have a good case on your hands!!! Stand your ground... don't let the ****** get away with it.

Have a polite day.
This person is "NOT" a friend.

Friends....or more?

I have the nicest guy friend ever. I used to not really be attracted to him but i think i'm really over the bad guy phase. He is so kind, he walks me home when no one else will, asks questions about my life, remembers pretty much everything i tell him etc etc.

so now i'm seeing him as more than a friend. The trouble is that i'm very good friends with all of his friends. i'm worried if something happened with him that it could potentially ruin all my friendships...cuz he obviously has their loyalty over me.

and even if this is a good do i make it happen. I thought he liked me a while ago but i wasn't into it then. What do i do now to make him see that maybe we have a chance now??

(sorry so long : /)

Friends....or more?myspace code

I think you ought to approach it slowly. Sound him out subtly and see if his feelings are the same as yours. If they are, tell him and see what his reaction is. It's usually the friends that you end up being with for the long term anyway. I think you have a decent chance with him. Good luck.

Friends....or more?love myspace

karen if you think both of you are attracted to each other then ask him about it.but remember to ask it very casually so as not to ruin the friendship between you.ask him if he has a soft corner for you or is he like that to everyone else.dont lose heart.

all the best.
lovehim now, or lose him forever...
Dear Karen,

My opinion is you should hold your nerves for some more time and wait for the right time, let him feel the way you are or

If possible made his lips uttering the words you gonna!

If you will open soda bottle , you will only water after some time !

look if you dont want to ruin what you have, just leave it as a friendship, because if you really do like him, you wont need to be a couple, because being around him will be enough...

Tired of friends, help?

I have gotten to the point that I am sick and tired of my friends (mind you they are not the biggest group of people)! Yea, I have my best friend, and I would never want him to drift away but, I have this small group of friends at school and I feel like all they are doing is bringing me down. I want to move on in my life and experience new things, but they are just so plain, and bitchy as well! All they do is crap about other people and they are FAAAARRRR from being perfect. I need to move on and find new friends, and a new crowd to hang with, because instead of moving up im just staying in the same position in my life. Im growing i need new experiences, and i will never have them if i stick with these friends.

Any advice as to how I could drift away from them without causing a huge scene?

Tired of friends, help?emo myspace

I agree with the other young lady. Try a extra-curriculum that interest you but you know they don't like. Also get involved with any activity that's positive towards your manhood. You really sound like a winner, and you want to get ahead of the game now while you're young....that says alot for what kind of a man you will introduce into mainstream society....A man whom has integrity, values, and is assertive.....A REAL MAN...You go son, I'm proud of you...A wish you much success in life...You would make a great mentor....

Tired of friends, help?sexy myspace

Try joining a new club or activity. Make sure its something you enjoy doing so you'll be able to share interests with the new people you meet. Once you find a new group that you enjoy being involved with you can gradually become more and more busy until eventually you just don't get around to spending time with the friends that you are bored with. If you're worried about drifting too far, than just make sure to make time for the people you care about. If you don't feel a connection with your group of friends, you'll probably drift away naturally anyway, all you need to do is speed along the process by finding yourself ways to stay just too busy to s pend all your time with your 'old' group. As long as you can stay open to new experiences, and embrace the idea of meeting new people without the comfort of your usually support group, you should do fine. Good Luck!
Hey! (: I had the same problem. My group of friends for two years have totally made me shy and not outgoing as much. But when I broke free and hung out with a new group, I became a totally different person,.. a happier one (:

Okay so here's what you can do. Make new friends from a group you want to be in. Talk to them and show them you have a good personality. Once they grow to like you they either introduce you to their other friends or ask you to hang out with them. Then you gradually become a part of their group. So here's how you deal with your old group. Dont just drop them. Slowly pull away from the group and hang out with your new group. I suggest you still talk to your friends from your old group so they won't come up with ideas and start talking crap about you.

Friends make me feel fat because they are skinny and are constantly worrying about their weight - mo

I guess i'm normalish for my age, i'm plump, thats for sure. i'm 5' 4 and 126 pounds.

my friend showed people a picture of her when she was 87 pounds. and taller than me. and she wants to get back to that, and talks about how she's on a juice and celery diet. my other friend SUPPORTED her in this and was like "i do this all the time"

my other friend is slimmer as well, 5' 8'' and 105

not only is this concerning - but it makes me feel disgusting

what should i do?

that, and a girl in my art class likes to call me "donut" because of an incident in second grade. I really truly hate it, and everybody seems to think its a joke.

I almost want to stop eating myself just to stop all of this, but isn't that supporting what my friends are doing?

Friends make me feel fat because they are skinny and are constantly worrying about their weight - more inside?myspace background

Your appetite will ultimately rule you and win. Sure, you can fight it momentarily, even weekly, or monthly...but, in the end IT will win. Trust me. I know this is hard to accept, but ask yourself this...."Do you know anyone who has lost weight and truly kept it off long term?" A doctor asked me that and I didn't have an answer for him. He said for all practical purposes, obesity is incurable. Now, you're not obese or probably even remotely fat, but just learn to be happy with yourself or life isn't worth living.

Friends make me feel fat because they are skinny and are constantly worrying about their weight - more inside?flash myspace

I'm very sorry that you have to feel this way. First off, whatever you do, please don't starve yourself. The best thing you can do is become more active and get involved in healthy activities.

Don't compare yourself to others. God made you the way you are and you are beautiful. I know it sounds cliche but it is true. I think somethings seriously wrong with your friend if she wants to be 87 pounds. The worst thing you could do is follow in her footsteps. Maybe it's time for you to get some new friends...
It's crazy to even think that 87 lbs is normal for someone over 4'11. Realize that you aren't the person who is disgusting, your friends are. They are encouraging each other to achieve self-esteem through starving themselves. Be content with yourself. When they talk about weight, don't even involve yourself in their conversation. There is so much more to life than feeling like a pig. You are beautiful, normal, and perfect just the way you are. Leave them to their insecurities.
omg my friends do this ALL the time. the other day my roommate complained about not being able to fit in her size 1 jeans. I'm like shut up youre so skinny.

trust me...5'4" and 126 is not plump at all...i'm 5'0" and 140 and i'm plump. people say i'm not but i think theyre just being nice. but i just accept it. in fact, i make jokes about being fat.and honestly yeah, i think i can lose some weight but i dont even think about it. if i wanna eat something, i'll eat it. i guess thats kinda bad. but i've learned to just accept myself. when anyone ever says anything, i beat them to the punch and say "yeah i'm fat, so what?"

and just think of donut as any other word...just a nickname. if you dont let it bother you it wont have any meaning to it. and also, tell your friends that they do NOT need to be on a diet.
Do not sweat it girl!!! Any one who is over concerned about how they look or call's others name are just like very insecure about themselves!! Stay true to your self!!! Besides who are they to judge!
my dear my dear my dear my dear my dear

Do you know how does our body works?????

Why do we eat food and drink water???????

Our body is made up of water and fat, and these things are constantly used by our body when we work even moving our hand needs some energy isint'it.

If a person goes on a diet then he/she is not taking enough energy that his body needs and so the body burns the fat and produce energy to do work so the person becomes thin. BUT

this also reduces the imunity power of the body which is very dangerous and people specially girls don't understand this they just want to become thin at any cost, even at the cost of their health.

Take my advise never ever do that, If you want to shed some weight then try to reduce eatink junk food like burgers. they give us a lot of enegry that our body can't burn and so increase the fat content in our body.

Increase the amount of workout you have each day, do joging and rope skiping and eat home cooked healthy food, this will ensure that your body gets enough energy but your body will burn the excess fat located on your belly, hips %26amp; legs and make them look in shape. AND you will be healthy and not just slim.... good luck.
well stop worrying about your friends if they want to grow thin as sticks...just worry about yourself...and tell the girl that calls you 'donut' that "i don't give a damn! so fish off!"...

all the best!

If youre friends with a girl is it a good sign if she says she trusts you?.?

Ive been friends with this girl for almost a year. She is very goal oriented wanting to finish school and stuff and does not really have the time other than a friendship now. She has told me she trusts me and she has told me something personal to her and I told her something personal to me.She used to talk to this other guy but does not anymore. They were friends and he called her the other nite out of the blue. She said she does not like him and it was alot of drama for her talking to him. I called her and left a message on her voice mail to see if we could do something the next day when I see her at school. She seemed she did not want to talk about the drama with her ex friend that she was "seeing".I want her to feel comfortable talking to me about anything and she said she has trusted me and vice versa.How should I go about it and does she like me more than a friend cuz I feel different around her than my other female friends.She said "If I dont call u back, I am not blowing you off

If youre friends with a girl is it a good sign if she says she trusts you?.?myspace images

it's always a good thing when a girl says they trust you and starts opening the door to more personal things.

It could lead to a closer friendship or possibly more. but also be on the cautious side that it could lead to a lot of unwanted drama.

If youre friends with a girl is it a good sign if she says she trusts you?.?christian myspace

It can never b bad when a girl says she trusts u
If you don't intend on being a jerk,yeah it is.
Unfortunately, something in the tone of what you describe indicates to me at least that there is something she is not telling you, but there is nothing you can do about it.. Just continue being kind and nice. Don't pressure her at all.. This is your only option.. If you press it, you will harm your relationship...

I know things, so listen to what I'm saying.
just by being there for you when she needs you. that's the best way for her to feel comfortable with you. maybe she just doesn't feel like talking about the situation right now. just make sure that you keep yourself available. whatever you do, don't try and force the information out of her, if anything, that would make her close up even more. on the other part, i really don't know if there is a sure-fire way to tell if she likes you as more than a friend. like i said above, if you're there for her in the good and in the bad, time will tell.

Why can't I be friends with a married man?

We were friends before he was married. Before he got married he was in love with me for six years. I didn't feel the same way about him and he knew that I only saw him as a friend. He was okay with that and we stayed friends. I think about him all the time and I want to tell him how I feel. Why can't I still be his friend even if he is married? I think his wife doesn't like me because he told his wife that he once had feelings for me. I only want to be his friend. Although, I do think I missed out on someone that could have been perfect for me. We have a lot in common. I miss the attention that he once gave me. Now he know longer want to be friends with me and I think his wife has something to do with this. I think friends should be friends no matter what happens. I wouldn't tell him that I think I missed out on a relationship that he and I could of had. I just want it to be like it use to be. Is there something wrong with that?

Why can't I be friends with a married man?myspace co

I'm usually fairly torn on this type of issue.. but in all honesty, I think your friend is doing the right thing, by wanting to cut off the friendship. I know that is hard to hear, but you have to look at it from not only his side, but from his wife's side as well.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but I really don't see how any good could come from a friendship between you two.

I mean, he is married and has a life with his wife now. No matter how close you two were before, you will never have that closeness again. That's the way it should be. A person's spouse should always come before any friends they have. If there is even the smallest possibility that his friendship with you could come between his marriage.. then he is doing the right thing by choosing to end it. He has to look out for his marriage, even if it means losing a friend here and there.

You say yourself that you think you may have missed out on the perfect guy for you, when you turned him down. That in itself says that it would not be a very healthy friendship, no matter how hard you tried to keep things platonic. You also say that you miss all the attention he used to give you. Well, I'm sorry but there is no good reason for any married man (no matter how good a friend he was) to be showering another woman with attention that way. I'm sure it is hard to accept, but he is over you.. and he has found someone to share his life with. He loves his wife and he is doing the right thing by wanting to let go of your friendship.

I don't mean to offend you in any way, and if I am.. I do apologize. But it really sounds like you are doing what many people do.. He was in love with you, and told you so. You rejected him, and said you only wanted to be friends. Now that he is married, you are starting to miss the way he treated you when he still had feelings for you. It doesn't sound like you miss the person, it sounds like you miss being the center of his world. He is married now, and his life no longer revolves around you.. as it shouldn't. If you really do care about him (whether it be as friends or otherwise) then you need to do the right thing, and let go of the friendship, if that's what he's wanting.

When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and you get married.. then you will understand how and why friends are no longer a priority in life.

I wish you the best, but I really do think it would be best for you to just move on, and let the friendship go.

Why can't I be friends with a married man?myspace jokes

Who cares if his wife has something to do with it! Wake up and smell the roses! In your entire question you answered yourself! He once had feelings for you and now you think you do to. So there's the problem. I definitely agree with his wife! YOU SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED WITH HIM IN ANY WAY! Let him go and move on to someone else that you'll string along as a friend and then once you see they're taken you want what you can't have!!!
If he was in love with you and you "didn't feel the same way about him" then it doesn't really sound like you were friends at all. He probably just wised up (a little belated, but still) and realized his wife is more important than someone that obviously knew he had feelings for them and just led him along.
As past lovers, it wont work. Sooner or later you will have sex and where will it go from there? Unless you want to be a woman on the side.
You just asked this question in a different form. Can men and women really be friends..yes, of course...but not as they were when they were single. Why would a man want to fill his wife with insecurity by visiting or hanging with another woman? He already told you he was married and would not do that to his wife...he is a NICE guy. You have stated that suddenly you are interested in him. The advice stays the same. Find new friends..the world is full of them...leave this man alone, he is taken. And yes, there is something wrong with "that." You have intentions that go beyond friendship. You know it, we know hang it up and move on.
Let him be and let his marriage alone. You miss the hold you had on him and the free attention. Now that you don't have his full attention you want it all. I wouldn't want my wife to be w/someone that is trying to get something going on her.

This friends bit is a total sham. You're trying to submarine their marriage. Don't be a homewrecker go find yourself a man that will love you and let this dude go.
That's simple, you don't want to piss off his wife or get his wife pissed at him. Married people marry for good reason, they need eachother. If you share time with another in any way it's like saying that you don't need them- Kind of like the perfect kid who never does anything wrong, the parents don't feel like parents until they have to shape the kid's evolution.
It isn't like it used to be he is no longer pining for you and showering you with the attention trying to convince you to give him a try... He has moved on found someone to love who loves him back...

Instead of thinking only of yourself .... I.E. "I miss the attention that he once gave me.", " I do think I missed out on someone that could have been perfect for me.", "We have a lot in common." and "I think about him all the time and I want to tell him how I feel." Think about him, for 6 years you had the oppurtunity to realize all these hings about him and only now are you hurt because he has moved on...

Sorry you lost your chance, he has chosen someone else, leave him alone and stop pining for what you spent 6 years throwing away...
Yes...something is wrong with wanting to cause your "friend" problems. Face's NOT like it used to be and your friend doesn't want it to be. He loves HER! .. and you're not his friend. I'm happy for him after being used by you for so long.
still persisting?? get a life you are jealous of their love for each other it is so plain! their love has nothing to do with you, stop making yourself seem so important. you are old news to him.
You have contradicting ideas in your post.

Yes, men and women can be friends. Even if one is married and the other isn't. However with the details you gave you eventually would not just want to be friends with him because you acknowledge that he is the one that got away. Eventually you would try to make your friendship into more than that. He knows it, his wife knows it, your the only one who is in denial.

Let go of this friendship, and be happy for him that he is happy. If you wish you may add THEM to your Christmas card list, and send a yearly "how is it going" letter with the card.
One of the "Great truths" in this world is that men and women can't be friends unless one or both are interested in more than just friendship. It sounds harsh but you have to see that the time, energy, and Resources that it takes to court a mate is wasted by dead end roads called "Friendship". Most men will stay friends with a women as long as they think they have a shot. And many women will use these men for there time, energy and resources knowing full well that he hasn't got a shot in hell at going further. (unless your first choice man falls through)

At some point some of these men will pull there head out of the sand and find someone that will truly care about them and not just keep them as a "spare" or a" just in case guy."

( a friend).

His new wife is right to assume that you are a threat. She know that you miss your safety net. You did NOT treat him well. Don't fool yourself into believing that the reason he stopped being your friend is she doesn't let him. Once a man is treated with respect by a woman who sees him through the lenses of love, he will easily see the way that you were using him for your own selfish needs. He's gone. You should concider other peoples feelings in the future.

You had your chance.
you think about him all the time?I bet he doesn't. I beleive that exes can be friends, but not always. Out of sight; out of mind. Grab a box of kleenex, a bucket of ice cream, and get your cry on because as for right now this relationship, friendship at best, is over...Sorry for being so blunt.
It's nothing wrong with being friends with married man just as long as your friends with the wife as well. and you know why you can't be friends with this man. Is because you have feelings for this man. let him go babe....i kno its hard...but u can do it
Sounds like you had your chance. Games were played. Now that he's unavailable you want him. You may want to consider counseling if you have a history of choosing unavailable men. It won't be like it used to be because he has a wife now. Let it go.
Just dont bother him, he married and had move on.
You still should be friends with him but maybe you need to talk with his wife and tell her your not trying to ruin their marriage but just trying to be friends with him

Friends or Boyfriends?

My "friends" crossed the line today. We were all down town in our small, protective community having a great time until my boyfriend came along. He and I started talking and laughing and before he left, he kissed me. Nothing new to me or him, but my friends went wild.

"You shouldn't do that in public!"

"Have you now shame?!"

Now, my girlfriends (for some reason) are still in that "eew boys!" fase. Now I think they're getting jealous.

Then, they have the nerve to threaten to stop being my friends because of the soul reason of me dating and having a relationship with a guy.

What should I do? Stop being friends? I think they're being down right mean and immature....

Any ideas?

Friends or Boyfriends?fake myspace

this makes no sense, on your frends part,Just continue on with your boyfriend, if you mature faster than your freinds then thats okay, they will come around, besides if they hate something that makes you happy then maybe they arent your real freinds. so stay cool, and try not have your boyfriend arond your freinds so much. oh ya the playa playa answer you got is unreliable, i know the kid and he has never, never even kissed a girl, so if i were you i woodnt trust his relation ship advice.

Yor frend B.D.P, aka Black Dr. Phil

Friends or Boyfriends?myspace pics

well you need to tell your friends that it is part of being a b/f and g/f kissing and they should understand that you like guys and if you do that in public it is okay and i see people kissing in public all the time.and that is also really really immature.
Your friends are oviously jealous that you have a boyfriend and they don't. Tell your friends that you won't show your intimacy in public. Then after tell you boyfriend not to kiss you or do anything with you in front of friends. This should help you keep your friends and your boyfriend.

Friends and I are too different :(?

Ok so the school that I attend to doesn't have too many studesnts like a public school I attend a magnet school and well friends have comed and gone from the school but now things are so different cuz my best friend just got a new boyfriend and they're most of the time together and the rest of my friends are just not the same as me. I don't really have fun with them and we hardly hang outside of school cuz their parents don't have too much trust in them like mine trust in me. I feel like we just don't belong together but then again WHO AM I GONNA HANG OUT WITH in that pweenie school? What should I do I wanna have a fun teen life with my friends an so far I'm not having fun at all just plain bored :(


Friends and I are too different :(?best myspace

Drop them-

If they aren't very nice to you, or you just dont really fit in with them, then you wont be having a fun time like you wanted anyway.

I had this happen to me, and I left the group and started hanging around with alot of different groups. I felt alot freer and had a lot funner time cause I didnt haft to worry about how I acted with anyone! Just be yourself, and enjoy life

Friends and I are too different :(?hot myspace

how about finding friends inyour neighborhood or get involved in some activity or sport %26amp; make new friends if u wantta hang w/ them in sch'l do but open your horizons
Sorry to say but this is pretty much a lesson you'll need to learn because life isn't always just exactly the way you want it to be. There are going to be turkeys in your life everywhere you go. The mature person who is productive will find a way to function well in all circumstances.

I have at least 15 friends, but none at the same time? will anyone help?

I have all kinds of friends at school, but none to hang out with at home...I know this kid who I think would be a really good friend, becuase I can see he's really smart and cool behind this frount he's putting up...I've always had a close knit family and they have always been there, but we have all grown distant, my brothers girlfriend left my brother, i don't think that anything or anybody could feel this gap quite like a really good friend, should I just invite this kid over? I've went to the mall today with my mom and I see all these kids my age with thier group of friends having fun...while I'm there with my mom, I live way out in the country, but just so happens this kid that I think would be a really good friend just lives down the road...I'm ttly feeling depressed! My life is gotten very boring! I'm visiting my real friends this spring break, my cousins...I just need someone here at home...a friend not really a girlfriend, just a hang out friend, if it's a girl that's ok too!

I have at least 15 friends, but none at the same time? will anyone help?myspace images

just start talking about anything to the dude and see what he responds to. maybe he plays college football on xbox 360...............

I have at least 15 friends, but none at the same time? will anyone help?christian myspace

14 huh? well, im 19 now.. but i still remember the first time i like to hang out with my friends was when i was like 15-16! that sucks too, eh??

i can understand your boredom, maybe you can just invite the dude and see where this is going..

i dont like to invite my friends to come to my house and stuff, but they just keep coming and going.. i mean nowdays.. so, sometimes people will make the first approach or you should do first!

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