Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Miss my Friends?

I havent seen them since skool let out which has been almost 4 wks ago. i have seen one friend and it was only at the fricken store for like 5 mins. Im so sad and depressed i miss them so much. My mom wont let me see any of my friends i cant even leave the house during the wk unless im wit her or my dad. But my twin brother sees his friends almost everyday while im stuck inside wit our little brother. Then next yr in skool i was planning on being wit them but no my mom changed my whole schedule so im not wit my friends anymore in class. So now i cant do cheer or pep squad wit them. Its not fair she took away the only things that make me happy in life. i want my friends back i love them. how can i get over being sad and convince my mom to let me have my friends back.

I Miss my Friends?custom myspace

Emawee, that is EXTREMELY disturbing that she has you under hourse arrest. Can you instant message or text with them or something? at least e-mail?

Or maybe see them on weekends when you are with your daddy? Good luck Emawee!

I Miss my Friends?myspace ip

what did you do to make her such an over-controlling *****?

i mean im not trying to be mean but...dude it's the summer!!!! hanging out with friends on weekdays is allowed. and why did she change ur doesnt make sense.

what made her like this...u must have done something...
1 word CALL! There probably on vacation. My birthdays in the summer and no one comes because there on vacation. My ex-friends used to live next to me. We would do everything together. Sadly ouyr friendship lasted for a YEAR. Then she moved. When she came back to my school she has other friends (they were sluts, trash) The last thing I remember is wee all met on the bleechers and she said. "We've already made new friends, it's time to move on." Then she would never talk to me again. I still wonder if it's something I've done. Oh those dark years...scary...
Well I don't know how old you are but you should have some degree of freedom at whatever age you are. Have you tried sitting your mom down and talking to her?? Not that you should do it but I would rebel. You said you got into some trouble before school ended right...that should not mean you can't be on the prep squad that type of stuff is good for students. One way or another I would see my friends but hey you decide...
have you talked to your mom? have your mom sit down and talk to you, your friends, or their moms. if the only reason is that she thinks theyre dangerous or something than you need to talk to her in an adult way and not be too pushy. tell her (nicely) that shes taking away an important part of your life.
well you got in trouble.. face the consequences.


deal with it!

make new friends
whine to Bernie. he will get to the point where you piss him off enough that he wont want you in the house so he will let you go to a friends house so your their problem for a few hours. i don't think mom would be mad at him for that. and next time Stuart has a friend over but you cant get up in moms face asking why he can but you cant. your a smart girl you'll think of something
have a talk w/ ur mom. introduce her to ur friends mom. invite them to ur house.
I understand you EmaweeE and it is EXTREMELY sad! i love my friends too and when i can′t see them i feel sad, so at least you should try to talk to them once a week, talk to your mom about it, maybe she will understand you...

I hope you can talk to your friends soon!!!! and see them

Good Luck EmaweeE!

Thank you and good day.

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