Sunday, November 29, 2009

My BEST friends called me a slut.. please answer. i'm posting this for the 3rd time and i apolo

I had a fight with my friend(s) (read my last question).

And when I confronted my friend and told them about my feelings, she didn't say anything to me.

But today, she gets 2 of her other friends to back her up and all three of them just attacked me on Instant Messaging.

It doesn't bother me that they called me names. But there was one thing in particular that bothered me so much that I started to cry.

My very own friends, they called me a sl*t just because I had sex with my boyfriend.

And when I told them that having sex with my boyfriend doesn't make me a sl*t, they said "well you are a sl*t. face it, because its the truth. why are you running away from it?" Those words HURT me so much!

Basically, this is the secret that I told my so called best friend. And She went and told the others. They said I'm a sl*t because I left my boyfriend AFTER having sex with him and sex was all I wanted. But the only reason I left him was because sex was all HE wanted.

My BEST friends called me a slut.. please answer. i'm posting this for the 3rd time and i apolozise?top 10 myspace

I hope you realize anyone who would treat you this way is NOT a friend. Go look the word friend up. These girls have a real problem. They are attacking you over something that had nothing at all to do with them.

You got smart about your boyfriend using you, now you need to wise up about the kind of people you call a friend.

Look around and find some nice people to be friends with, people who have compassion, understanding and care about others.

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