Sunday, November 29, 2009

Two of my friends are emo and I don't know what to do can someone help please?! I'd DIE fo

U c my first friends parents are not that supportive or at least she says so she basically hates her parents she's been cutting herself a whole bunch and she's only showed me and one of her other friends, I've been trying to stop her but she's just been getting worse considering killing herself and I'm scared its going to add to worse things, my second friend has only told me and my other friend thats cutting himself, he started after he heard that my other friend was cutting himself, he on the other hand cuts himself more, every time he makes a mistake he cuts himself and I don't know what to do, the thing about him is he hasn't brought up killing himself but he still is cutting himself an unbelievable amount of times, he's only showed me once he didn't show me after the first day cause he's scared I'll get mad. His parents also seem unsupportive he asked what they'd do with his sister if she was cutting herself and they said they'd send her 2 rehab, can som1 help?

Two of my friends are emo and I don't know what to do can someone help please?! I'd DIE for my friends!!!www myspaces com

You should totally warn the parents, even if it looks like a bad idea now. They can send them to whatever help they need, you cant. They'll hate you for it at first, but thats the only real help you can give them. Just listening and accepting wont work on the long run and i am sure you will never be abled to forgive yourself if one of them succeeds in committing suicide.

Two of my friends are emo and I don't know what to do can someone help please?! I'd DIE for my friends!!!best myspace

Oh my god.. this is really maddening.. Guess you Will cut yourself down if it happens again...

The only thing you can do is explain the situation to their parents (i know its a bad idea)... ? Else you can consult a psychiatrist (who may solve your frens problem)... The last you can do is talk to them and explain them that they cannot solve their problems by cutting themselves.. Make them understand that they are very capable and they can achieve many things in life..(this is jus for example.. you know your frens better.. think hard and tell them in the best convincing manner as possible).... GOOD LUCK...
You should tell the parents of your two friends who are doing this to themselves before they get hurt some more, or end up in a hospital. Your two friends need help very bad.
You need to tell an adult. Either your parents or theres. You are NOT being a snitch, if your friends get mad too bad. They need help. They need YOUR help. They really just want attention and love from their friends and family you need to push them in the right direction. You friends might be mad at you, but you are doing what's best for them. Imagine if they died and you never told anyone before. Do the right thing.

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