Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fat friends...?

I have a friend who is considerably overweight. We are only 14 so all my other friends are skinny but this one friend really stands out. I am worried she is unhealthy and I thinkit's holiding her back in life. I want to tell her but she's not the kind of person who would take this lightly... what can I do? I want her as a friend but I feel I have to tell her...

Fat friends...?good myspace

you can ask her to workout with you and just sit her down as a friend face to face, tell her that you are worried about her HEALTH and it has nothing to do with the way she looks. If you two live in the same neighborhood, set up a time where you two both go walk around the block for 30 mins. You may not have any weight to lose but be a good support system, tell her you aren't trying to hurt her feelings, you really want the best health possible for her and tell her it's not about being skinny.

Fat friends...?i love new york myspace

i'm sure she knows...
You don't have to tell her.

How would you feel if someone said that to you?

Maybe you should accept her for who she is.
Don't tell her! Do you know how much that would hurt her feelings?
Tell your friend thatyou are concerned for her well-being and health. Tell your friend that you honor her friendship but that you would like to see her live a long life that is promised to those who reduce body fat.
you should start including her in fun exercise like yoga or a daily walk and eventually a run daily. this will help her become fit but have fun doing it with friends.
She knows she's overweight, so you shouldn't tell her. If she wants to do something about it she will. The only thing you can do is be supportive. I'm sorry.
instead of being so direct about it why dont you think of some activities you can do together as friends, such as walking the dog, going swimming, do a gym class etc..that way you are being subtle about your concerns and helping her to do something about it...I hope this helps x

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