so i am 20 years old and my boyfriend is 27 and my best friend and some of my other friends who are close with her dont like him because he has some tattoos and piercings and think hes wierd but i really like him and some of my other friends outside of that group think hes cool. I dont want to break up with him but i dont want to lose my friends or have it cause anymore problems what should i do?
My friends dont like my boyfriend...?myspace top
Listen to your friends. If the people who know you and love you think your bf is weird, they're probably right and you just can't see if.
My friends dont like my boyfriend...?official myspace
I find myself saying at least once a day here that friends are the worst thing for a relationship. Sadly your friends won't stop no matter what you do. They will persist until you break up with this guy. They will likely go as far as making up lies about him and justify it by convincing themselves that it's "for your own good."
If you want to keep both you can only ignore and endure.
screw them you like him just cos they think his weird you shouldnt leave him they should support your choice
hes your boyfriend..not theirs..and they're probably just jealous of your relationship with him..tell them that they need to keep their opinions to themselves..
maybe it does not matter you have to choose friends or man...
maybe you should tell them this is the guy i choose to be with him right know and i would like it if you except my descion cause i like u both. and if you are not ok with that then maybe they are not acting like real friends
love happens in mysterious ways and despite the physical traits that come with the person, we are there for that person if we really is in love. When in doubt, listen to your inner self, maybe your friends are God's way of talking to you. As time passes by, we fall out of love just tread lightly so that there are no major regrets in the future. Enjoy the moments and if he could not deliver despite his appearance, then check out your beliefs is what you have is still giving you happiness or problems. You are the solution. What matters most is unconditional love, everything else is an illussion. Connie
Some of my friends think that my boyfriend is annoying because he talks a lot around people he doesn't know too well. And he tends to talk about controversial topics. But you know what? He treats me with the utmost respect and is good to me, and we compliment each other very well. Sometimes you don't need a friend to tell you whether or not someone is good for you, because they can't always tell.
If they don't like him because of his tattoos and because he's "weird" (way too vague) they are just being picky. Figure out how you feel about him and don't let your friends influence you because it's not about them. It could be that they are jealous because you have a boyfriend and maybe you are spending more time with him and less with them. Spread your time evenly to make everyone happy and ask them to do things as a group, then they can actually get to know him before they make a judgement on whether they like him or not.
Well, if you really like this guy and its worth giving up your friends then do it. But best friends are very hard to come by, and you can always find another guy (i doubt he's the one for you). If I were you I'd keep dating him and still talk to your friends on a daily basis.
Well it depends on how much your boyfriend means to you. Are you so committed to him that you're willing to lose your friends?
Your best friend probably has good reasons for not liking him though, if she wants the best for you, and you should talk to her about why she doesn't like him. If it's only because of the physical appearance, she may be just judging him, and perhaps you should get them acquainted with each other, so she can see what a great guy he is. There's nothing worse than your best friend and boyfriend hating each other.
Friends are usually good at seeing what you can't when you are in the "Love Sick" twitterpated twirls of a new relationship.
A relationship has two possible outcomes: Marriage, or break-up (usually w/broken heart). If your intention is marriage then you need to be with this man. If you are still in the "Dating" then the 'break-up' is still a possibility.
One thing you want to watch out for is if this man is creating drama to separate you from your friends. This pattern is a sign that he's an abuser. The flip side is that your friends may be jealous of you and creating the drama to sooth their jealousy. Again, this is a sign that your friends are abusers.
frinds were suppose to back u up no matter wat
maybe there jelious dat u got a bf dats kool some friends r like dat
there dat ur real friend if they dont like your bf
that’s good that they don’t like him because I had a boyfriend who my friend liked a lil to much if you know what I mean. so forget what they think if you want him and he is okay to you then don’t worry about your friends. good luck honey!!!!
I had the same dilemma! My friends thought my boyfriend was a loser. What you need to do is ask them why they don't like your boyfriend. When they give you the same excuses "He has those tattoo's and piercings" then just ask them "what if I got as many tattoos and piercings as he does. Would you still be my friend?" This should get them. If they say no then they aren't true blue friends. You need to make it clear to them that he is YOUR boyfriend, not theirs. And that it's effecting you so much that they don't like him. Good luck to you!
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