Is it possible to make friends as a college sophomore?
I'm a freshman right now and I don't have any friends. I have a few acquaintances but they aren't people I'd like to be close friends with.
I'm just worried that everyone will already have their groups next year and then there'll be no way for me to make friends.
No friends in college?myspace pages
Just be yourself and be social.
No friends in college?live com
I would say try to take your acquanitinces to the next level. Talk more about personal things, try to meet up for lunch and slowly transition into friendships.
So many people attend college today , you will meet new people , just be friendly and sociable.
i feel like this when i go to church.
oh wow! i think a lot of people can related to this question, including your very own...
but to be honest, it's all about confidence and confident people always are attractive be confident. heads up, chin up, but don't over do it.
yes you can...!!! just look approachable. how about smiling a bit?
Absolutely, my circle grew and morphed all throughout my college days, until senior year. Then we were pretty much set.
Top places I made friends in college:
The Dorm! Leave your door open, make your space nice and inviting, talk to strangers in the hall! invite people to a movie or whatever in your room.
The Quad: find someone doing something interesting. talk to them about it.
Dining Hall: Sit with ppl that look like the sort you'd want to be friends with. It's easier to sit with strangers in college than you think. just "mind if i join you?" "sure (or er, okay)" "I'm whateveryourname is, and I'm new here." always a good one.
Theater/Band/Etc: Easy as pie.
Martial arts: Fantastic place to meet people. When you're working with small groups, just keep the chatter up
Class: come on - it just takes a little effort to talk to that guy or girl next to you, and you've already got something in common, a loathing of the professor and a relative knowledge ont he subject. study groups also a great way to meet folks.
Don't give up hope, and just be outgoing. it helps to think "what would XYZ do?" where XYZ is a strong, confident, outspoken role model of yours, even if they're fictional!
If i was gonna back down from talking to someone who looked interesting, I'd say "what would spike do? (buffy)" then i'd get my swagger on, force myself to talk to them, and bam - i had a rich growing circle of friends!
and if that doesn't work...
friends.... foreeeeverrrr........
You'll be fine, Good luck!
awww dont worry im sure youll be in a group in no time no matter what year your in. im still in high school so yeah i dont really know what to say but 2 just be yourself and people will start to be like wow whos she and youll fit in like that trust me it works for me im a very talkitive person and i will talk to anyone i mean just like today i just started talking to this senior about how it was is last year and i asked him what he was going to do in life and just said funny stuff .I wish you the best in your schooling and i hope u find good friends!
Try going to societies/clubs, such as a sport like badminton or christian union or whatever you're interested in, it would give you something to talk about. You could find a job on campus such as working in a cafe. Be brave, talk to people in your class, you'll never know what would happen unless you try! I'm sure they know it must be hard for you being new and remember be yourself! As there are freshman, they are all on the same boat! Don't feel as though you have to change to make people like you. It is scary but think postive! Maybe talk to someone who has also had the experience of being a freshman. True Blue said some good points also. Good luck :) God bless.
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