Sunday, December 6, 2009

My so called friends hate me because of something stupid?

ok so i'm guessing everyone has seen the movie mean girls or heard about it

my friend was telling me about how my other three friends were llike the mean girls


i posted it up on myspace because it sounded funny to me

so my friends read it the ones who got compared

they took it the wrong way completely so they called me and emailed me insulting me they wont even give me a chance to explain

so they said theyre gonna "deal" with me and my other friend

i now know that theyre bad friends because they wont even listen to me

but im just scared about what theyre gonna do to us

they basically rule the school :\

My so called friends hate me because of something stupid? blog

Wow they don't seem like they're really your friends. Who cares what they do to you. Your real friends will stick by you. Don't let what other people think about you ruin your life. Be your own person! I think it might just be an empty threat though. Theey probably like having you scared of them so just ignore them. if they try to start anything like spread rumars abouthem the rumars and everythit you ignnore them.

My so called friends hate me because of something stupid?unblock myspace

oh wow. you better beat they asses if they wanna fight over something stupid. i wish i was there i would cuss them out for you even tho i dont kno you.
ahh i am dot man.............................. here to answer random questions for u ................................. dot man is the man.............................. by the way do u want to know the answer........................... damm i forgot to put a question mark ................................. need questions marks after a question in english u no??............................. i made up for it by using 2................................ by the way the answer is............................... ........................................... if they rule the school then that was pretty dumb to post that on ur myspace lmao.... now its time to act older and stand up to them u cant be asking ppl on this sight for help. thats not manly u have to stand up to them and fight ur own battles.. theyll respect u.......even if they do kick ur butt
I think you' re a bad friend.
Then they were never your friend. Fear no one for you Carry the strength.
hmm. maybe they are hurt that u and ur friend compaered them to that? or that they cant handle the truth? I mean it sounds like they cant handle it and are not good friends by not lettin u even explain it!! or talk about it! I wud move on and show that it isnt bothering you, u`ll soon find out if they are true friends or not!! maybe u could myspace an apology and explain the whole situation? if that doesnt work talk to them one by one? at least one of them will let u in and talk about it surely?? they shudnt so anything to you, !!
If you say your like the Mean Girls, be a Bi tc h back. If they try to pull anything on you two, get even, throw a more evil approach.
well... you should tell them to tell them to listen to u and keep on saying until they get pissed and want to hear you then explain it to them. or stay tough and ignore them or walk with ur other friends.
you did post that stuff on myspace. and if they're not gonna listen to you when you talk maybe you should apologize in like a letter or something?
You first problem is your worried about them because the rule the school. Chances are 7/8ths of the school doesnt like them, and are secretly being nice to them for the same reason you do eventhough they hate them. So why care aboue the other 1/8. It was a stupid mistake, but in a week it will all push over and you can live on with your life
As you say, these are bad friends. So, number one, you don't need them and you don't need to explain yourself to them. Number two, people like that often make empty threats so i wouldn't worry about it, but i would tell someone if they get too threatening.
They took it the wrong way? Well, now you understand when us guys are saying one certain thing, most of the time females take it the wrong way and twist it around. They were probably thinking you were talking about them. People take things differently. If they're your friends, they'll get over it. If not, then they're not really your friends. Or, you really screwed up.
Take down the offending article and post up an apology, and make sure that every one of your friends knows you posted this apology up. If they don't accept your apology, then they are the ones who are going to look bad.
If the friend who said it is mean and the other friends are not tell them she said it and you posted it as a mean thing that is was mean that she said it
well there obviously not good people if there anything like the 'mean girls' in that movie...

and also show me there myspace I'll cuss 'em out for you...
If you think their mean girls, then why would you even think about posting that conversation up? Don't you think that by you comparing them to mean girls then posting it up makes you a mean person too. Funny or not, it still wasn't nice because they weren't in on it. They aren't the so called friends, their your friends and by telling them their mean and then expecting them to be happy about it, honestly no one would be. I know if my friends did that to me, i'd be angry as well. Find a way to make them listen. Apologize and hope that they forgive you.
mail the "mean gals" with a different id and tell them that u r sorry if u r a gud friend . otherwise jst smile at them whenever u see them in the school corridor and wait for time to do its magic .which mean that time heals everythin .
Just go up to them and say......"Well if u guys are gonna be losers and be mad at me for something that you didnt even let me explain then u arnt good enough for me and i am not gonna be ur friends!"
if they wont listen to you then post an explanation on myspace....they cant fail to see it. not sure how u can handle this one, they sound like *itches anway, better avoid them for a while!
you're so right they are very stupid. your shouldn't worry about what they are gonna do. if the rule th school then that tells me that they are bullies. all you nedd to do is put that work in on those birds.

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