Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why are my friends acting this way towards me?

My closest friend has always told me, if theres anything special i will be the first to know..she always says smth that makes me feel like im really her special friend.. but that day she used the word 'lack of self confidence' to describe me and used some other beautiful words to describe my other friend..

Now comes to the other friends - One says- Hey, r you seriously asking her for the advise?.. you've made the wrong decision..she wont beble to decide for you..

I guess my friends started feeling that i am not dependable.. and just taking me for granted.. they ignore me when they are in the crowd.. i felt like im invisible when im with them..

The reason that i dont like to decide anything for my friend is because i'll be blame if the outcome of the decision didnt come out as what they expected..

what should i do.. i dont want to be viewed this way

Why are my friends acting this way towards me?myspace icons

There's nothing you can do.... You could make new friends outside of that group.

Why are my friends acting this way towards me?myspace background myspace.com

around a friend you should never feel out of place or ignored. now you know who your friends really are.
First ooff, don't gauge your self esteem based on the opinions of others, even if they're youre friends. With that being said, is there any truth to what your friends are saying about you? Are you wishy-washy or undependable? The next time you have a decision to make, make it with conviction! You know yourself, now trust yourself! Your friends should see thet you ARE capable of making decisions. And exude as much confidence as you can...even if you don't feel all that self-assured right now, fake it. "Fake it 'til you make it!"

Good luck with everything!
aww, sounds like what happened to me, they are insecure. For her to make a judgement statement on you is not fair. She is most likely talking behind your back because she feels like she needs to make friends and be popular. Just be the best you can be, find someone who is really there for you and someone who is not going to put you down no matter what you do. that is a friend. she is not. good luck sweetie, you are a great person.
Honestly, i think you're doing the right thing by staying out of situations where things can only turn around and hurt your credibility....but think of it in this sense....no matter what you do, you're friends are going to say you're wrong...I honestly dont think they're TRUE friends because they put you down more than they uplift you...and if they cant do that for you and you cant do it for them....maybe you should go back to the drawing board and find new frinds.
Cause people are fake and selfish, get used to it!!!
Sounds like you know who your friends are now. YOu shouldnt feel like you are being left out or on the outside looking in.

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