ok.. ive asked questions like this... but i kissed my est friends boyfriend. i dont know how it happend. it just did, and i know that i liked it. i feel awful. i havent talked to my friend or the guy scence then. I know this was the stuppidst thing ive ever done. and all of u are probably thinking im a slut, but it just happend. me and the guy feel so bad about it. should we tell her or keep it a secret, and what do i say to him? i feel so bad right now. shes my best friend in the world and i kissed her guy. I hate myself right now. i feel so bad. i love my friend to death and i would never try to hurt her but i feel so bad! the guy is awsome, or i thought he was, because he was so great her hot and hes sweet. but he betrayed my friend. and i would never like a guy like that, but when we kissed it was amazing. like i love him, or the way he kisses. but it wasent worth it concitering my friend. i messed up big time but i dont know how to tell her. i love her. and i dont want to hurt her
I kissed my friends boyfriend and i loved it. ):?myspace.com music
It's okay, just pay more attention in english class. You'll grow up one day.
I kissed my friends boyfriend and i loved it. ):?www myspaces com myspace.com
Your a backstabbing wretch
well tell the guy that your sorry and that it was wrong because thats your best friends boyfriend. and come clean to your friend. just say that you accendentily kissed him. and your really sorry. if you don't come clean soon the problem might get bigger. good luck
You should tell her that her bf is a scumbag and her best friend is a complete whore...
in other words, tell her the truth...
If it is never going to happen again, I would not tell her. Why cause her any pain.
Don't tell her and don't do it again. And pray she doesn't find out.
ur mean, apoligize to your friend.
he betrayed her- you both did and you should not talk to him at all and that would be selfish on your part to tell her over your own guilt.. you need to learn the meaning of friendship and remember that what you do to others will come back on you and don't cry when it does :) :) :)
sadly your friend is going to get hurt no matter what, the damage is done, not you need to be responsible and tell her what happened, how do you think she's gonna feel if she hears it from either her boyfriend or another person. Be ready to lose her friendship or her be ready mad at you for a long time, she's probably not going to trust you anymore. You said "he" betrayed your friend, so did you by kissing her guy, both you and the guy are guilty and it needs to be dealt with before the situation gets worse.
Hmm. i think you should stop what ever you guys are doing and try to forget about him. If his you best mates boy and all i think its really bad to go behind her back and kiss her b/f. If she is a truly good friend you should do the right thing and tell her and c where it goes there.
Goodluck Hun xx
well the truth is going to come out eventually and that is always true. i think it will be better for you to tell her because if he can kiss his girls best friend he can cheat on her with alot of pepople she doesnt even know and when she finds out she will be more heart brocken. alot of people make mistakes and if she really loves you as a friend she will forgive you over time
screw her, if u like him u like him.... go for it. life is about living, not best friends, besides best friends really dont exsist
I don't think you're a s_lut! You do sound a little messed up though. SOunds like you really like this guy. So, he likes you...hmmm...this is a tough pickle. The right thing to do would be to tell you're friend. The wrong thing to do would be to keep cheating on your best friend (you'll feel guilty later). What i would do is say tt u to can't cheat anymore. If he's into you more than into your best friend, tell him to break up with her. Then a week or to later, start going out with him so she dosen't suspect a thing. I know it sounds wrong but this way you won't hurt you friend as much as if you said you had cheated.
tell her that u would never try to hurt her and that it was an accident tell her how much u love her and if he really kissed u and u really did not have any idea that it was about to happen then they should not be together and u tell her that he betray her and that they shoiuld not be together.(but after they break up dont u go after him or she will hate u)
In life there is only one true rule, if you want it, go for it!!!
First things first. you are not an awful person. It just happened. dont listen to those jerks. it is completely reasonable for u to like this guy. u and ur best friend prolly have similar taste in guys. confront ur freind and tell her what happened. tell her u know he is hers, make sure YOU tell her. it will only make it worse if she hears it from someone else. and remeber this, boyfriends are temperary, but ur girls are there foreveer. if ur friendship is true it will all work out. also tell the guy that that kiss ment nothing. GOOD LUCK!
I'm not calling you any thing bad but if I were you I would tell your Friends, and if you like it I bet they guy that kissed you or you kissed him... You'll find out
That's really bad and you liked it too ... i would never forgive you if i was her ...
i think you two better forget about it and she should not know .. you'll both loose her.
And try to prevent this from happening with any other friends' boyfriend.
lol ok if you tell her, the first thing you're gonna have to get used to is not using "best" with "friend" together when you refer to her ... actually if you tell her she might not even want to be your friend. If she's your best friend and you love her and this and that, then why did you do it? Nope, sorry, "it just happened" is not good enough. We have something called a mind. Try using it next time before acting upon situations. Things don't "just happen". That's the wonderful thing about life: We have choices, freedom, and decisions. Upon your freedom, that is what you chose and decided to do. Sorry to come off so harsh on you, but it's the plain truth.
If you want to tell her, be prepared to lose a best friend.
If you're not going to tell her, be prepared to fight with your conscience and guilt.
Decisions Decisions ;)
HI i think what you have done is not right, simply bcoz he is your friends friend, this is the begining of your love with him soon in few weeks or months you will be very close but you will loose your friend, the best way to get out of this mess is inform your best friend what happened and find another guy, good luck in saving your friendship thats more precious than the ugly guy.
ur one fuc*ked up friend... thank god ur not mine!!!
find ur own man... LOSER!!!
those are whore activities and you should stop participating in them. you arent much of a friend if you did this to her. do you feel guilty honestly or guilty that she might find out? dont kiss him again, matter of fact stay away from him.
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