Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I need friends.?

I was always alone, or a tag-a-long. I hated them both. This year [senior] I made a good friend, who I could tell anything to and we were close. This took course in about 2-3 months. Now the year is half done, and my friend had to move a hour away. We are still friends but I will rarely get to see her, but we are still good friends on the phone. Now I feel alone and a tag-a-long again at school...its only been two days without her =[ I want to know what to do to be friends with people and not be a tag-a-long.


I need friends.?fun myspace.com

As with everything in life, experience is key to knowledge. What I'm trying to say is: you have to get used to being something before you can be good at being something. Don't expect to be a social butterfly all at once. Try to imagine that you have very poor social skills and that you are determined to have the best social skills; and in order to do this you must throw yourself to the lions, so to speak.

A woman once told me: "I have to believe that every person I meet is a saint before I meet them, or else I'll judge and never want to meet them." This is important because everyone deserves an equal chance at being your friend and you deserve an equal chance from everyone else as well. So disregard everyones flaws and only write some one off if they give you good reason to.

Once you have become social (even to a small extent), you will begin to see where real friendships have started. Real friends can accept knowing how and when they are wrong and return the favor to you.

To begin being social talk about things you believe in, exception of religion and politics, these are considered to be rude topics because of how easy it is to accidently offend some one. To spot good friends take notice of who likes to hear you talk. They will actively listen to you by asking questions and seem interested as well as willing to share. When speaking it is easy to forget what you are doing so be conscientious. There are three things to remember when you are talking:

1. Make eye contact

2. Speak up (boldly and confidently)

3. Stop talking (allow some one else a turn)

-When uncertain of when to stop speaking allow 2-3 second breaks regularly between your thoughts.

All three are important, but eye contact is key because it builds your self confidence and it helps you to sound confident and genuine. Frankly, if you aren't looking into a person's eyes when they are speaking to, you wont really connect with them. If you are afraid of looking into other peoples eyes they may be less friendly too you. However, it is hard to work on eye contact, so just keep that in mind and be persistent at making eye contact, no matter how hard. It will pay off, and you will learn many new things about yourself and others.

Do not be afraid of sounding weird or crazy, anyone who would label you is not deserving of your friendship. We all can easily talk about ourselves but try not to unless you are asked to. To avoid talking about yourself ask questions about the other person. This is another hard task, and sometimes it is awkward, just don't let yourself give up because of awkward or nervous situations. Your anxiety can't hold you captive; if you stand up to it you will defeat it and soon find that talking with people comes naturally. Meeting people will always be awkward at some point but make it your goal not to be afraid of this anymore.

Good luck. I hope this wasn't too much information.

**By the way, being a tag a long is where it all starts ;)

I need friends.?cool myspace myspace.com

talk to some people and start hanging out with them if you like them
"I get by with a little help from my friends"

got across the universe stuck on my mind
Um. If you need a good friend go buy a teddy bear, it's the best friend anyone can get or a pet. I always talk to my teddy bear.
why not be just friendly with everyone .

joing group games / activity

smile a lot and u will notice the diffrence.
be funny and optimistic. you'll be friend everyone. also it helps if your attractive as superficial as that sounds, im sorry. society will always benefit you if your pretty so ummmm try to fix a physical flaw u have for the better and pretty it up
Open up to people=]

Don't be afraid to just get to know everyone. If you do then you'll have lots of friends. And won't be a tag-a-long. But make sure to be yourself!!
do u want advice on how 2 make a friend or do you want yahoo frinds ill b frinds with u if u want
join organizations and be very outgoing!!! many people will like you more (because majority of people are fun and crazy) and if you get in things you like, there will be people who like the same things as you!! just talk and let everyone who you are.
hey jus be how you were with your friend that moved away sounds like you 2 were close but remember when you frist met her try find sumone like her
Just start conversations with people in your class. The only way to get noticed or get to know people is by talking to them. Dont be shy. Everything will be ok! :)
u have to been friendly with everythinh one and just talk to ppl
Awww...the best way to acquire friends is to act as if you simply do not need them until you feel that they are your true friend. And go to clubs, so you'll meet friends that share the same interests as you. Friends aren't that hard...oh, and NEVER be someone's tag along, okay?

I'll be your friend if you want...:D
OMG, i feel tha same way you do...like am always in the back ground, "tagging along" and i hate it!!! i need some advise too =)
sorry to here that about your friend you will find another to tag along with i am sure , of it
be more social go to church or mosques as your religion take part in any club visit your friends and family in all ocuations you will have more friends
Try talking to people, get to know them, if you seem keen to want to get to know a person, I am sure they will be keen to know you too!! Or maybe there are other people in your school who are tag-a-longs or don't have friends at the school, maybe you should try getting to know them!! I'm sorry about your friend moving away, I have moved interstate and everything and left a lot of really close friends behind, but I managed to find new friends, it took a while, but now I have some of the best friends you could ever wish for, it just takes time!!

Good luck!!!!
Be nice smaile at someone who looks like someone you would want to be friends with. Compliment them. Don't follow say something then if nobody's saying anything walk away. Don't be clingy by following them. Find someone else whos alone or only with a few people, its easier to get close to someone in a small group.

Good luck!!!!!!
we can be friends too what do you mean by a tag along two friends and then their is you or is it a big group of friends groups of friends are fun you have to have like a special bond between some ppl in the group too like there is me n like 4 or 5 other girls we get along great we click fine you should try finding some girls you have similar interests with
Look into after school programs, such as drama or FFA, something with your intrest, thats a really good way to meet people, and they always have trips and things, it can be really fun and no one gets left out couse its all done as a group. Or if there is a group of people that you want to hang out with, talk to them, there only human. Hope this helps...
Try looking inwards. Why do you think you feel needy?

Are you trying to fill a gap that was open and unfilled in your earlier years?

Try dealing with this sooner than later.

People could really take advantage of you when they know you are feel this way.

Get deep down and find the strengths in you and be a leader and you will start pulling friends to yourself.
be social....
I also had a very hard time in high school making friends. I was very shy and had self-esteem issues .. always thinking if I opened my mouth that something stupid would come out. My sisters were cheerleaders but I was the wallflower. I got into Journalism and enjoyed writing ... then I got onto the newspaper staff. My teacher realized how good I was at writing and she made me the Feature Editor of the paper. I ended up getting a small scholarship (enough for a couple of classes at a junior college) and I also won an award for an article that I wrote. That helped my self-esteem a lot! Through the Journalism class and the newspaper staff, I made friends that had the same interests that I did. Some people may say, Newspaper staff? What a geek! But, it did help me. You don't have to get into the newspaper or writing but my point is, get into a club or group, something that YOU are interested in ... not necessarily something that the people you want to hang out are interested in. It doesn't even have to be school related. Think about church or volunteer activities. If you are doing something you like, others will notice that you are an interesting person and want to be friends with you. You never know what will happen! Good luck to you!

u cld join sum clubs or start new activities!! (great way 2 meet ppl)

be more confident and start mixing wif different ppl!!

and an hour away isnt that far im sure use cld arrange 2 meet up!!!

good luck hope u make friends soon :)
Just be your self. Don't try to be something that your not. People will see you are an individual and like you for that. Be true to your self. The rest will come in time. If someone starts to talk to talk to you talk back but don't talk their ear off let them be the leader in the conversation.
Well sadly I am only 14 so I couldn't tell a senior such as yourself how to do that but I guess I will try. From what it sounds like...being a tag-along really is not your thing. You need a REAL good true friend who will always be there for you. My main tip is to just be yourself! Thats how I made all of my friends. Once I show confidence people look up to me more and don't treat me like a door mat. So be yourself and look for people who have stuff in common with u. I really hope this helps!
How about a hobby, sport, or school activities? Join a club, you can make friends by involving yourself in activities that other people share. How about church? Or involving yourself in a community service. Volunteer work in your community can put you in places that open up opportunites to create special friendships, even if they are not in your age range. (Nursing homes, hospitals, etc.) Do you have neighbors with young adults your age you can introduce yourself to and then invite them home (parent's permission) to hang out? Here are just a few ideas. You are a special person and people are out there waiting to meet you! Remember, the Lord is ALWAYS your friend, and will listen anytime and anywhere...

i'll be your friend.. just don't act needy and stuff...

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