Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is it important to have friends?

The friends I used to have were not good for my recovery, especially one "best friend" I had. The therapists and depression literature always tell us to "have friends as part of our support network." What if you don't have any friends? I am wary of getting close to anyone, because I have always been hurt in the past. I probably expect friends to help me more than they possibly are capable of. Maybe as I grow and change, I will have healthier friendships and relationships.

But is it IMPORTANT to have friends? If I don't have any now, then I have to figure out another means of support. What does everyone think?

PS I'm not complaining about having no friends - I can easily make friends, but again, they aren't healthy relationships.

Is it important to have friends?coolest myspace

I would address this question to your therapist. There are several issues tied up into your question. Generally speaking, it is extremely important for most people to have friends. It also tends to be even more so for individuals struggling with depression. However, in your case several problems may be preventing you from benefiting from friendship. First, it sounds like you have trouble trusting people and therefore might be prone to sabotaging your relationships. Second, you may need to create new friends who are supportive and loyal. Often, individuals with difficulty trusting other people, will find similar individuals as friends, which can cause bigger problems and more hurt for both individuals. A sort of self-fulfilling cycle. It sounds like you need to break this cycle.

So yes, you need friends. But, you should explore with your therapist whether your current people you know are the ones you should have as friends. And, you should also explore if your mistrust ever sabotages health relationships.

Is it important to have friends?myspace comments

I think it's very important to have friends.
It is my belief that it is important to have friends, especially in a situation where you need support. I suggest you consult your therapist(s) about the matter, as they will be able to offer you more insight. As far as friendships being unhealthy, that is dependent on how well you pick your friends.
It is important to have friends that are healthy friends. I have had the same problem in my life and have had to "break-up" with every friend I had just to make sure I was a healthier person. Now it's been almost four years since then and I have about four or five close friends and that has made my life so much better. i feel cofnident telling any one of my friends now anything and knowing that I'm only going to get their honest responses. Thats why i believe that having one or two close friends is a lot better than having a ton of untrustworthy friends.
It is one of the most important things for good mental health, so I've been told. A good friend is better than a good counsellor. I used to have a lot of good friends, but I've narrowed the field down to three, and they all live out of town, so we keep in touch by emails and phone. And that works for me.

There is such a thing as 'toxic' friends. I know. I've dumped them all. And I've found that my best friend ever is my dog.

I like to meet new people, and chat a bit, but I don't need anyone hanging on me.
It is very important to have regular interaction with other people; but friends, real friends, are few and far between. You should learn to enhance your social skills and have relationships with other people, but don't be surprised if they don't always agree with your opinions. Equally, sometimes you might be right and the group wrong. In that case you need to be strong.
Put a circle around u saying this is the limit. When u make a new friend speak frankly what u expect from them. If u find they r crossing the limit.. quit the bad company.. pray to god.. will give u peace if u believe in it
I have no friends due to my betrayl by them %26amp; also the fact that so far in my life they have all taken advantage of me %26amp; used me.

Therefore I no longer trust anyone but I find, for myself, that it is much safer this way.

Is it healthy? Probably not. That's what all my mental health workers tell me. But after what I've been through in my life, it is so much safer. And I like it that way.

Do I recommend it to anyone else? No. You have to make your own decisions based on your own life experience %26amp; the advice of your own health care professionals.

Also, don't forget that human beings are essentially social animals. We actually need to interact with others for mental stimulation (so I have read %26amp; been told).

In the end, no-one can tell you what to do. It's just whatever you think is right for you based on the experience %26amp; information available.

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